The Quarantined: The Survivors

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The Quarantined: The Survivors


April 7th, 2010

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Who: Elle and Andy and OPEN to the rest of the Urbana partygoers.
What: Drinkin'.
Where: You know where.
When: Tuesday night.
Rating: R, most likely.
Status: In progress.

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April 1st, 2010

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WHO || carmen and any urbana folk (open to more than one ;3)
WHAT || the liaison comes to .... liais?
WHEN || early afternoon
WHERE || at the intersection of Park Ave and E 70th st
RATING || tba
STATUS || complete

Little Red went over the bridge to grandmother's house- )

March 31st, 2010

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Who: Brandy and Andy
What: Brandy's evaluating her stash and meets someone new.
Where: An appropriate room at Urbana!
When: Tuesday Night
Rating: R for language, at least.
Status: In progress.

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Who: Niko and Elle and Daniel and Andy and (open to whoever else is around!)
What: Spring ch-ch-ch-ch-changes.
Where: A million dead-end streets.
When: Still the days seem the same.
Rating: R?
Status: In progress.

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March 19th, 2010

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Who: Manhattan and Bertrand.
What: Old man stuff. Run along now, children!
When: Early evening.
Where: Nowhere in particular.
Rating: TBD.
Status: In progress.

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March 2nd, 2010

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Who: Andy and Nancy
Where: the sidewalk ends...or Manhattan
Why: Mei Mei if bored. Duh. and hungry. Duh
When: Afternoonish
Rated: R

There is a place where the sidewalk ends... )

February 24th, 2010

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Who: Calamity and Bitchface.
What: Anti-hippie rally.
When: Late morning.
Where: The same old Shithole.
Rating: PG-13 to start.
Status: In progress.

London calling to the zombies of death - quit holding out, and draw another breath )

February 21st, 2010

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Who: Andy and Jimmy.
What: Andy avoids his housemates by finding himself some more amiable dinner guests.
Where: A bench somewhere in the Safe Zone.
When: Dusk.
Rating: PG-13, at least.
Status: Incomplete.

What thoughts I have of you tonight, Walt Whitman, for I walked down the streets under the trees with a headache self-conscious looking at the full moon. )

February 13th, 2010

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Who: G. Glen Glenn, Ernie, Andy Baxter, Elle Lewis [Open to Urbana Residents]
What: Mornings with Triple G and his fine feathered friend.
Where: Urbana Apartments. Suite F. Bedroom 1. Bathroom.
When: Early in the A.M.
Rating: R [Language and rabid cocks.]
Status: Incomplete

People sometimes get the fever. )

February 12th, 2010

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Who: Calvin and Andy.
What: The other odd couple.
Where: Urbana Apartments. Suite F. Bedroom 1.
When: Morning.
Rating: TBD.
Status: In Progress.

This was it. They'd all taken a vote, and Andy had drawn the short straw on taking him out into the snow and shooting him.  )

February 10th, 2010

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Who: Andy and John
Where: Somewhere in Manhattan
Why: John has finally arrived, Andy discovers him
When: 2pm in the afternoon.
Rated: TBD
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