The Pimp Cane
Thinking outside the wand.

dacro posting in The Pimp Cane
User: [info]dacro
Date: 2008-01-10 15:55
Subject: Welcome to our new home! SHOES OFF! (heh)
Security: Public
Mood:jubilant jubilant
Tags:admin post


Welcome to the new playground of [info]the_pimp_cane!

I won't dive into too much detail about why [info]the_pimp_cane has moved to IJ. However, I will say that with the mass exodus from LJ since July, the crashy-burniness of GJ and the questionable stability of fandom homes ever since, it seems like the logical move to make.

Please keep pimping, so people know we're not dead. :)

What kind of community is this?

Well, since we're starting fresh, in a way, it might be a good time to give a run-down of all the acceptable things to post here.
here be monsters )


With a new home comes new faces, new ideas and new blood! *slurp*
We'd like to announce that we are looking for one or two more bodies for The Mod Squad, to make this community an even better place to be. Fresh brains bring fresh ideas, and our old brains will bring the know-how, so that sounds like a pretty sweet deal!
Duties: Nothing scary. The mods brainstorm together, do some light housekeeping (like approve members and remind people to post disclaimers), help out with posting or promoting challenges, and occasionally respond to an e-mail or two. You don't have to have any modding background, just a love for the community, and an addiction to the world of Harry Potter. simple, right?

Interested in becoming a co-mod? Great! Just send an e-mail to tpc.comm @! (with 'Mod Squad' in the subject line)

Well, that's pretty much all I have today. Have a great weekend!
[info]dacro, co-mod. Fire Eater. Slytherin.

Coming next post:
[info]the_pimp_cane Housewarming Drabble Challenge!
Stay tuned!

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my journal
December 2008