03 July 2012 @ 01:41 pm
The Koxx  
I randomly came across this group today and I like them! You know me, have to share:

If you find yourself not liking the song, promise me you'll at least skip ahead and watch the end (from when they stumble out of the car) because LOLOLOL. I need a gif.

Also, have a cover of A-Ha's Take On Me. Just 'cause.
02 July 2012 @ 11:15 pm


(I have no clue how I feel about the song yet. I think I like it, but time will tell. what was up with the crazy torn pieces of leather outfits, though? but yay Kangin's back! And this is the first time I've actually found Sungmin sexy, what? Also Yesung. Yesung. Yesung.)
06 May 2012 @ 04:21 pm
8 ALi icons  
Because I couldn't find any and I NEEDED some, so I decided to make them myself. Sharing because everyone needs more ALi in their lives!

Don't know who ALi is you say? FOR SHAME. )
30 March 2012 @ 04:55 pm
K.Will + Trot = Love  

This was something he did for Immortal Song 2 (I believe for the trot special, though I'm not sure. yes, there was a trot special. Yes, I enjoyed the hell out of it. LOL) and I guess he liked it so much he brought it to Sketchbook. Warning: the song will be forever in your head all the day through after listening once. But it's so great! And he wears the traditional sparkly coat!
25 March 2012 @ 06:01 pm
Stuff I am listening to (Besides Big Bang and Shinee because, duh.)  
I haven't posted in here forever, so I thought I'd do one of those Fab posts about what I am k-popping too. But I don't have a fancy graphic, bc I am lazy. Sorry, sorry, sorry. (Can't just say it once anymore. Sometimes I even sing it.)

I downloaded the Dynamic Duo album for "Friday Night" because Simon D had a little feature bit when they performed it. Unfortunately, he's not actually on the album version. :/ But I found this gem of a song, and I love it. It's got a nice beat, I love the woman's voice, and it's just a good song to groove to.

more more more )

I have a ton more non-mainstream(I guess?) stuff I could post but I'll end it here for now. I hope you enjoy! <3