쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang
25 March 2012 @ 06:01 pm
Stuff I am listening to (Besides Big Bang and Shinee because, duh.)  
I haven't posted in here forever, so I thought I'd do one of those Fab posts about what I am k-popping too. But I don't have a fancy graphic, bc I am lazy. Sorry, sorry, sorry. (Can't just say it once anymore. Sometimes I even sing it.)

I downloaded the Dynamic Duo album for "Friday Night" because Simon D had a little feature bit when they performed it. Unfortunately, he's not actually on the album version. :/ But I found this gem of a song, and I love it. It's got a nice beat, I love the woman's voice, and it's just a good song to groove to.

more more more )

I have a ton more non-mainstream(I guess?) stuff I could post but I'll end it here for now. I hope you enjoy! <3