May 22nd, 2013

[info]deceitandlies in [info]the_nowhere

Who: Katherine Pierce and Eric Northman

What: Meeting, talking, flirting(?).. Face it.. anything could happen

Where: Chopper's Isle Lighthouse

When: Wednesday May 22, 2013

Rating: R (Because swearing is fun)

She spent the last few nights roaming the streets and drinking whoever came by like a walking juice box )

[info]fistsfirst in [info]the_nowhere


Who: Shane Collins and Open
What: Making a new friend, being attacked by a vampire, finding Eve running about? WHATEVER.  
Where: On one of the streets heading back from the market.
When: Wednesday May 22, 2013
Rating: R for safety.

Shane was taking out his cell phone to send Claire a text message as he made his way back home.  )

[info]runawaywolf in [info]the_nowhere

Okay so a few things:

1: Full moon's on Saturday. You know the drill. Stay outta the woods.
2: Am I seeing things or did a school suddenly appear? Like one second I blinked and it was just there. Never thought I'd be so glad to see a school. I'm so bored. Kenny let's go find a supply closet ;)
3: Kenzi - What's a girl got to do to get some more cheese wiz and cool whip? Also we should go get us some pizza.

I see alot of new people appearing lately. Sup? I'm Erin.

[info]mystic_damon in [info]the_nowhere

Who: Damon Salvatore and Effie
What: Her transition
When: splitting from thread with Stefan and Katherine.
Where: leaving the boarding house and then around
Rating: TBD
Status: Closed

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[info]defying in [info]the_nowhere

who elena/  OPEN
what compelling herself some booze
where merlotte's
when 5/23, after sunset
warnings tba?

... )

[info]superherolike in [info]the_nowhere

Uh... huh. Well, I've woken up in worse places. This has definitely wedged its way into top five. When you fall asleep on a bus, you kinda expect to wake up still on it. Might not be moving, but.. I'm rambling. So, since I'm betting there's no simple explanation to this cosmic mind bender... can someone tell me one thing?

The hell am I supposed to do with this thingy?