Welcome to the Nexus - March 17th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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March 17th, 2011

[Mar. 17th, 2011|07:59 pm]


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You might not know of the holiday, but you might have noticed the increase in the amount of green around some areas of the Nexus (no, not the forests, those don't count), and maybe the deals on various forms of alcohol as well. For today (by...someone's calendar) is Saint Patrick's Day, the excuse widely used to get absolutely smashed on oddly-colored beer and flirt with red-heads everywhere! However if you're not wearing green on this most wonderful of days...

You might get a pinch. Not in any specific place--maybe your arm, maybe your side, maybe somewhere else. But there doesn't seem to be anyone doing it--at least, no one visible on any spectrum. And if you're especially unlucky, you get to have a red-clad victim of this prank suddenly whirl around to stiffly glare at you for your perceived slight.

So, Nexus. WHAT DO.

((Obviously, you don't have to have your character get glared at by Lloyd, but feel free to have him imitate his father's loom at you. :Db))
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