Welcome to the Nexus - April 9th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Welcome to the Nexus

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April 9th, 2010

[Apr. 9th, 2010|02:11 pm]
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"She calls this a Retirement community?" Dr. Tachyon looked around the Nexus and sighed. "A wonderful place that's peaceful and quiet, she said, near the center of everything. I didn't think she meant literally."

The diminutive man stood by the sign dressed in what for him would be considered rather drab clothing; a victorian style suit of crushed red velvet, a wide brimmed matching hat with pale pink plumes, a snow white shirt spilling lace from the jacket collar and a coral pink cloak. Drab only because it consisted of shades of the same color.

"Ask a question? Alright. I've had a pretty....chaotic....life so far, lots of ups and downs and many sideways as well. What would you consider the strangest thing to happen to you?"
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