Welcome to the Nexus - July 17th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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July 17th, 2007

crankybum mcbadass: take two. [Jul. 17th, 2007|01:42 pm]
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Mack is back! And RHY--no. Anyway, he's back in the questions area of the nexus again. He's tidier this time, in jeans, tshirt and boots. The tshirt bulges in places from the dressing on his chest, and he rustled up a sidearm from somewhere, strapped to his thigh. He looks to be in a better mood this time, although that's comparative.

"Retirement. Not exactly what I'm dealing with, but the end result is the same. Where do you go from there? And, I guess, if anyone's got anything they need doing, wouldn't mind paying me a bit for, I might be interested."
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