A bubble universe Watching's Journal
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Sunday, December 23rd, 2007

    Time Event
    Mod Post
    Taken Characters

    Anita Blake -
    Nathaniel Graison

    Supernatural -
    Dean Winchester
    Jessica Moore

    Marvelverse -
    Rina Logan
    Howlett/Logan Family

    Made ups -
    Ziva Lamya

    Characters in Italics are the Verse 'keepers', they keep things moving forwards, and may be in some story lines.
    Mod Post

    1) This game is for fun. So if you're not having fun somethings gone wrong and you need to contact a mod.

    2) Only one version of each character is allowed.

    3) A Bio MUST be supplied before playing. In fact before your membership is accepted you will be asked to email a bio.

    4) Posts must show a certain level of Grammar and spelling. I'm not picking, I just want to understand what you're trying to say.

    5) Posts should be as long as you can make them. This includes replies. If you do supply a short post, which another player doesn't think they can reply too due to it being so short and uncreative, they should feel free to request a longer post.
    Mod Post
    Bio Form
    OOC: Out of character
    Name: (Name by which you wish to be known)

    Contact Details: (Email and AIM, and specifiy if you want it kept private)


    Are you an Experienced Role Player? Y/N

    IC: In character


    Looks: (Please supply a human PB "Played by")

    Distinguishing Features: (Include scars etc.)

    Powers and Abilities: (As well as Mutant powers and curses etc, this includes computer programming etc. Anything that makes them special)

    Personal History: (Please do not make these too long.)

    Family and Friends: (Please include anyone of importance, Significant others, brother or sisters, team mates, etc.)

    Point of history: (For Canon Characters we need to know where you're picking them up from, For example "After the season 2 finale". Also if there is more than media for these characters specify which one, For example "Wolverine: UltimateVerse". If your unsure of which verse yours is, state that here.)

    Plot: (Is there anything you'd like to see happen involving your character?)

    Notes: (Please leave any comments here you think are important, this may include how a character is killed, if it's not in a normal human fashion. It may also include sexual orientation if you feel this is important. Or Rating (IE. If you are under 18 you will only be involved in ratings suitable for your age, or if you are uncomfortable with adult situations)

    After you've filled this in, please email to kerr(dot)Behr(at)googlemail(dot)com

    Once you're accepted (or denied/asked to tweak) Review the comm, and see this post
    Mod Post: Welcome

    Welcome to the Bubble Universe.
    This Bubble reality traps your character here and they are unable to leave.
    The universe is a whole city trapped with in a large glass dome. Anything you could need can be found here. Almost anything.
    The city is run by a fleet of Robots, who cook, and clean, do every job that needs to be done to keep a city moving. But they don't really make interesting conversation.
    There are a handful of NPC's who'll probably cause ripples (Who'll be played by [info]lifes_got_bite).
    That aside, you are on your own.

    Now Please Post a copy of your Characters Bio here. Then introduce yourself In Character below (in reply to this post)
    Mod Post
    Please Reply to this post with a copy of your bio so every one can see it. (It doesn't need to include the OOC section, just the IC)

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