February 2017




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Feb. 14th, 2017


Happy Valentines Day - Love is in the Air

1. Post with your character
2. Other characters can give them gifts, send notes, etc (can be anon)
3. Have fun
4. Profit?

Dec. 5th, 2016


It's been a while since we've had a meme so I thought we could do another one. How about the old fashioned Anonymous confessions meme?

Anonymous Confessions Meme

1) Post with each character you would like in the meme.
2) Other characters can post confessions anonymously to the first.
3) Reactions to the confession do not have to be anonymous
4) Have fun!!

Jul. 1st, 2016



It's time for a meme! It really is.

1.) Post with your character.
2.) Others will send them wishes anonymous or in-character. (ie: I wish you would notice me. I wish you all the pudding you want, and cookies too.)
3.) Others can react however they want to. 0.0

Simple enough?


Apr. 14th, 2016


It's been far too quiet lately, and when things get quiet, that means it is time for a meme!!

Today's meme is always a good one.... MUSIC!!

So, post with your characters, and others can reply anonymously or not with songs for that character. BOOM! GO!

Mar. 15th, 2016


With the start of my classes, my brain is sludge at the moment so I thought I'd start a meme. We've done this before: The Veritaserum Meme.

1. Reply with your pups.
2. Ask other pups questions, whether on Anon or not.
3. Any questions asked to your pups must be answered truthfully.

As usual, this has no effect on IG stuff unless you want it to.


Feb. 3rd, 2016


Another Meme

Does your character ever feel like the character in a book, or a movie? Just ignore the fact that they already are.
Does Remy LeBeau think he’s Batman, or does Terry Boot think he’s Jack Dawson?

Anonymously post your character’s movie or book character, along with the source. Let others guess who that book or movie character represents. Bonus if you add a quote or picture from the book or movie.

Jan. 15th, 2016


We've all been running high on emotion lately, so here is the place to lay it all out - anonymously. That's it. Leave them guessing, make them wonder, cause some chaos.

Anonymous Confessions Meme
1) Post with each character you would like in the meme.
2) Other characters can post confessions anonymously to the first.
3) Reactions to the confession do not have to be anonymous
4) Have fun!!