May 13th, 2009

08:40 pm
[info]trobadora: here we go again

LJ is (mostly) down, although some pages load intermittently.

The status page has nothing so far.

09:13 pm
[info]trobadora: yes, this totally deserves a new post

The status page finally catches up:

LiveJournal may be unresponsive or slow to load due to some database problems we're experiencing. Our Operations staff is working to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.

7:12 pm GMT (Wednesday, May 13)

I'm seriously getting tired of these problems.

ETA: The heavily armed monkeys guarding the servers currently report no site-wide problems.

7:22 pm GMT (Wednesday, May 13)

Yes, it's loading for me again.

That was a bit longer than the last couple outages! What the hell is up with LJ?!