Tue, Jan. 1st, 2013, 11:34 am

Are we all having LJ trouble? I can't log in since yesterday.

Sun, Jun. 17th, 2012, 05:27 pm

I'm guessing LJ is down? I can't open any page on my Flist.

Tue, Apr. 24th, 2012, 11:55 pm
[info]ratcreature: LJ won't load for me

I can't get my flist or any LJ page to load, and downforeveryoneorjustme.com says it's down too. Does anyone know what's up? The status page only says "LiveJournal administrators are aware of current site access issues, and are working to resolve them as quickly as possible."

Sat, Jan. 14th, 2012, 01:44 pm

Is there something wrong with LJ? I can't log in.

Fri, Dec. 2nd, 2011, 09:31 pm
[info]ariss_tenoh: LJ Down?

Is LJ down for everyone?

Mon, Jul. 25th, 2011, 09:40 am
[info]ratcreature: LJ seems to be down?

I can't get my flist or any LJ page to load in the twenty minutes I've been trying, downforeveryoneorjustme.com says it's down, and my crosspost from DW doesn't get through (though it didn't to IJ either, even though clearly this site is up, so maybe that's DW's problem). It's disrupting my morning routine.

Sun, Jul. 3rd, 2011, 07:39 pm
[info]ratcreature: LJ gives 503 errors?

LJ is giving me 503 errors no matter the page I try, or the pages time out. The offsite status page claims to know of no site wide problems. :(

Wed, Jun. 1st, 2011, 02:13 am
[info]ratcreature: DW down?

I can't get Dreamwidth to load. It might be just me, because downforeveryoneorjustme.com tells me it's up, but I've tried for a while now (okay, twenty minutes or so) and I'm wondering whether other have trouble as well. :(

Wed, Apr. 6th, 2011, 04:21 am
[info]ide_cyan: Looks like DDOS attack on LiveJournal continues

Livejournal is still down. And I saw a couple of accounts spamming Twitter with LiveJournal links that might be part of the attack.

InsaneJournal was down briefly earlier tonight -- no idea why, but I'm glad it's back up. (I can spare a couple of Dreamwidth invite codes if anyone needs them.)

Mon, Apr. 4th, 2011, 01:04 pm
[info]ratcreature: is LJ down again?

Their status doesn't say anything yet, but LJ won't load for me right now. >:(

Wed, Mar. 30th, 2011, 02:49 pm
[info]ratcreature: LJ won't load

LJ seems to be entirely down for me (except Scrapbook). Their status says "We're experiencing some technical problems right now that we're trying to resolve. Your patience is highly appreciated."

Fri, Apr. 9th, 2010, 08:22 pm

I tried to post a fic on LJ and the page wouldn't open? Is LJ down for everyone?

Mon, Apr. 5th, 2010, 09:31 pm
[info]reginagiraffe: LJ down?

Anyone else having problems?

The status page said something about "pages may be slow to load due to high traffic" but I haven't been able to get on AT ALL.


Tue, Nov. 10th, 2009, 05:14 pm

LiveJournal may be unresponsive or slow to load due to some database problems we're experiencing. Our Operations staff is working to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.

5:09 pm GMT (Tuesday, November 10)

It's not loading for me at all right now.

ETA: It's loading for me again now, as of 17.46 GMT. *fingers crossed*

Sat, Aug. 8th, 2009, 06:20 pm
[info]trobadora: For those who still can't access LJ

From the status page:

LiveJournal has been under a DDoS attack since Thursday, August 6th. A DDoS attack is focused heavy traffic in an attempt to make the site unavailable; not an attempt to gain access to anyone's account or personal information. We have taken steps to filter this traffic so that the site can remain accessible.

The site is running normally for most users at this time. Because of the mitigation procedures required to keep the site up and running, however, some users may not be able to access the site or post entries or comments from some locations and browsers. This is not account-specific, and you may be able to access the site from a different computer or network.

Our Operations staff will continue to monitor the situation and take appropriate actions in order to ensure the continued health of the site. Additional updates will be posted in lj_maintenance

The Known Issues page currently lists this:

LiveJournal may be unreachable, or intermittently slow to load. Users may also receive error messages when trying to access the site or when posting new entries or comments. This is due to an ongoing, coordinated attack on the site. More information is available here. We are working around this attack as quickly as we can, and we apologize for the inconvenience.

The link goes to the lj_maintenance post explaining about the DDoS attack, and in the comments to that post some people who can't otherwise access LJ report being able to do so via a proxy.

Fri, Aug. 7th, 2009, 06:53 pm
[info]sorchasilver: Here we go again!

"LiveJournal may be inaccessible at the current time due to network issues. Our Operations staff is working to resolve the problem as quickly as possible. Don't panic. 5:51 pm GMT (Friday, August 7)"


ETA - Status page message has changed:

"LiveJournal may be unresponsive or slow to load due to some database problems we're experiencing. Our Operations staff will continue to work to ensure the site remains available for you.

6:47 pm GMT (Friday, August 7)"

ETA2 - The site is working OK for me now. *crosses fingers*

Tue, Jul. 7th, 2009, 10:41 am
[info]sorchasilver: LJ seems to be down

I'm not able to get any LJ pages to load at present. :( And according to Twitter, I'm not the only one. Status page is not updated at present.

ETS: Yup, according to downforeveryone, it's down: "It's not just you! http://livejournal.com looks down from here."


ETA2: Seems to be back up now.

Thu, May. 21st, 2009, 12:09 pm
[info]ranalore: LJ down?

Anyone else unable to load any pages?

ETA: Now it's working for me again. That was...frustrating.

Wed, May. 13th, 2009, 09:13 pm
[info]trobadora: yes, this totally deserves a new post

The status page finally catches up:

LiveJournal may be unresponsive or slow to load due to some database problems we're experiencing. Our Operations staff is working to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.

7:12 pm GMT (Wednesday, May 13)

I'm seriously getting tired of these problems.

ETA: The heavily armed monkeys guarding the servers currently report no site-wide problems.

7:22 pm GMT (Wednesday, May 13)

Yes, it's loading for me again.

That was a bit longer than the last couple outages! What the hell is up with LJ?!

Wed, May. 13th, 2009, 08:40 pm
[info]trobadora: here we go again

LJ is (mostly) down, although some pages load intermittently.

The status page has nothing so far.

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