The Literatzzi

Where fanfic dare not tread

(no subject) @ 11:06 am


My name is Laura, and I'm not only new to this group, but to insane journal as well. I've been writing for quite some time and have two books in the works- one YA novel and a YA short story cycle which is to double as my creative thesis for this final year of grad school. I'm applying to MFA programs this fall and will graduate with a master's in English in May. I want to be a professor of creative writing and a writer.

I write what I enjoy reading most- young adult fiction with a splash of magic realism. Some of my pieces tend to be more submersed in the magic than others. I do enjoy reading mainstream adult fiction as well, but I love a good ghost story.

I've had a few pieces of flash published and won one short story contest (held by Writer's Weekly).

I, too, am a bit of a grammar nazi, though if you're not interested in those kinds of corrections, let me know, and I'll concentrate solely on your content-- otherwise, I'll look at both. I work as an editor for Writers Notes, and I've been an adjunct professor of freshman composition lo these last five years, and I'm currently a journalist, so it's just in the blood. I'll try not to be obnoxious. ^_~ And I'm sure I'll make my own mistakes, so please let me know. If there's one thing I've learned in writing and teaching the same, it's that editing is not a respecter of persons.

On the personal side, I'm a mother of two boys (ages 9 and 11), and I've been married for 13 years.

Oh, and when I grow up, I want to be Stephen King.

The Literatzzi

Where fanfic dare not tread