The Innocents RPG -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Innocents RPG

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[18 Mar 2008|12:37am]
Who: Rosalinn and any of the Lightwood Sisters
When: mid afternoon on the 18th March
Where: The Lightwood Manor, the drawing room.
What?: TBC

Rosalinn brought one finger down on the ivory keys of the small piano and listened to the dull note that rang from it. Another finger, another note, and so it went until she began to construct a melody which she had been trying to produce for almost half an hour. Her struggle was not in vain - the harmony and tune that she continued to create was quite pleasant, though not a work of genius. Her small hands glided down the piano attempting to continue composing something along the lines of a light song which she might recite at one of the family's get-togethers. How she loved to entertain... but she would never admit it.

As her thoughts wandered so did her fingers and she hit a very obvious wrong note at the end of a chorus. Blasting her hands Rosalinn's composure became annoyed and quickly placed them on her lap as she attempted to regain her calm mood. She had worked so hard, her parents were being incredibly patient and she wanted to complete her little masterpiece by the end of the day.
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[ viewing | March 18th, 2008 ]
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