Tue, Aug. 19th, 2008, 12:59 pm

No one else is really in London so can't really tag anyone but King, time to plot how to get them on the road. Anyone that could be nearby, or up top (IE bad guys) welcome to tag.

Tue, Aug. 12th, 2008, 07:12 am

Who: Hannibal King (Open)
Where: London
When: Late night….like midnightish
Why: Pilaging for booty (He needs supplies, like TP)
Rating: R…he likes the F word a lot
Status : In Progress

So - King is holed up in the tubes in London. Specifically Covent Garden Station. He is out on the town looking for supplies. I mean he would kill bitches for a square of Charmine.

Anyway - feel free to jump in. Good guys, bad guys. Girls. Whatever.