And All That Jazz OoC - October 26th, 2008

User: [info]thatjazz_ooc (posted by [info]mod_thatjazz)
Date: 2008-10-26 18:59
Subject: Plot developments!
Security: Public

Plot is now up for this week!

Right now, that empty club's up for grabs. If your character wants in on it, wants to jump ship, wants to take an interest - shout up here. We're thinking that [info]vitale's probably going to take an interest, but it's all open right now.

And don't forget, you can currently have up to three characters - so if you're running less than that and you're active here, take a thought about another. Maybe an Italian. Maybe a private dick. Maybe a clean cop. Hell, whatever takes your fancy. The Fury don't turn its nose up at any walk of life.

Long as they've got the money to pay their tab and the wits to keep their lips from flapping.

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November 2008