And All That Jazz OoC - April 7th, 2008

User: [info]thatjazz_ooc (posted by [info]ex_shadowman202)
Date: 2008-04-07 00:41
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Apparently I'm a masochist. As soon as our delightful mods raise the character cap, I pick up another one. This is James Callis. He's a mobster. And slightly unhinged. And terrifying. There's more about him in his journal, which should give you a flavour of what he's like, but he will be at The Fury quite a bit, keeping an eye on things and being rather pleasant, if cold, so please feel free to chat to him. He might give you five minutes - a few more if you interest him. Er, be careful how you interest him. Especially if you have children or pets.

And could I have created a character who is more unlike the actual James Callis? I feel so sorry - I think I should apologise to him. In no way is James a sadist, he's a lovely man that pops in on his mum and dad quite a bit.

Lizzie x

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November 2008