January 19th, 2012

[info]poisonouspansy in [info]that_day

Friday, 6 Aug 2008 - St. Mungo's

The day had seemed to drag for Pansy, who was far more accustomed to the busier night shifts. She had even had time for an hour lunch, which she couldn't recall happening since her training. Pansy was feeling a pleasant boost in energy, which left her dully tapping her toes as she sat at the healer's station. No one had been in since she returned from lunch. Pansy sighed heavily but the sound was interrupted by the floo, and then another. By the time she was on her feet six people had flooed in to the A&E. She got out her wand, calling for other healers from other floors. "What's going on? How many more can we expect?" She wasn't bored anymore... )

[info]leewithdreads in [info]that_day

Friday 6th - WWN Studios - We interrupt this broadcast to announce...

Lee was leaning back on his chair, looking at the playlist he'd written up and marking off the track filling the studio with music. It was all going well. He'd had a couple of requests from small new groups for coverage on his show and one of them was up next. He shifted forwards and grabbed the notes he'd made from listening to the music and what had been sent with the track. They were good, not out of this world, but certainly more than good enough for him to play a song.And then the status quo was over. )