Thank You, El Capitane!

User: [info]aqua_alta
Date: 2008-06-15 12:56
Subject: Thanks Capitan fic: "Silken" by [info]aqua_alta
Security: Public
Tags:dragon: aqua_alta, kink: bondage, kink: d/s, offering: fic

Author: [info]aqua_alta
Title: Silken
Wordcount: 1330
Snarry Games Prompt: Silken
Capitan's Kink: D/s, bondage
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: See kinks and rating. Mature content. Oh, and it's a complete PWP. Hey, Snape is alive in this one, and it's not explained why…
Disclaimer: I own nothing. JKR, Bloomsbury, WB and maybe other people do.
Beta: [info]klynie1 and [info]svartalfur - Thank you so much, guys! You rock!
Message to the capitan: Oh Capitan, my Capitan – this trip wasn't fearful at all! On the contrary: It was great fun and I had a blast! You did an absolutely amazing job as [info]teamdragon's Capitan – you're the best! Thank you ever so much!

Silken )

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Minxie posting in Thank You, Team Dragon Capitan!
User: [info]florida_minxie
Date: 2008-06-01 16:57
Subject: Playing the Game, Living the Life by [info]florida_minxie
Security: Public
Tags:dragon: the_minx_17, kink: d/s, offering: fic

Title: Playing the Game, Living the Life
Author: [info]florida_minxie
Snarry Games Prompt: Possessive
Capitan's Kink: D/s plus some kink
Rating: NC17
Word Count: ~800
Highlight for Warnings Enticements: *D/s, BDSM – bondage, flogging*
Summary: Some things do not change over time. Thank the Gods.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Truly. I just play with them and make them happier for it. Well, at least I'm happier for it.
Beta: [info]klynie1 *squishes you*
Message to the capitan: You definitely made my experience with [info]snarry_games an amazing thing, m'dear!

Playing the Game, Living the Life  )

28 dragons roared | ROOOAAAAARRRRRRR | Add to Memories | Tell a Friend | Link

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December 2013