Thank You, El Capitane!

josan posting in Thank You, Team Dragon Capitan!
User: [info]josan
Date: 2008-06-09 16:16
Subject: Mille Mercis
Security: Public
Tags:dragon: josan, kink: mature couple, offering: fic

Title: Big Bad Wolf
Author: Josan
Snarry Games Prompt: None. This came to me before I even had time to check out the list.
Capitan's Kink: Mature couple
Rating: Pretty PG, I'm afraid.
Wordcount: 232
Disclaimer: SHE's not using them any more, but that won't stop us.

Message for La Capitan: Dear [info]joanwilder, you were an inspiration, a wonderful encourager of ideas and you aced hand-holding, all the while creating a masterpiece of your own. I stand in absolute AWE of your multi-taking abilities. (AND you produced [info]amand_r, no small accomplishment that!)

Big Bad Wolf )

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