Thank You, El Capitane!

centaury_squill posting in Thank You, Team Dragon Capitan!
User: [info]centaury_squill
Date: 2008-06-02 15:25
Subject: A Draggle-tailed Drabble by [info]centaury_squill
Security: Public
Tags:dragon: centaury_squill, kink: bondage, offering: fic

Title:A Draggle-tailed Drabble
Author: [info]centaury_squill
Snarry Games Prompt: Ruined Feathers
Capitan's Kink: Bondage
Rating: R
Wordcount: 100
Disclaimer: They're JKR's. *sigh*
A/N I stole the phoenix-feather boa from Anders - sorry it got wrecked, m'dear!
Message to the capitan: Thanks for all your help and encouragement, sweetie. You rock! &hearts

A Draggle-tailed Drabble )

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