Tokio Hotel Fanfiction
All pairings, all ratings, all the time...

beren_writes posting in Tokio Hotel Fanfiction
User: [info]beren_writes
Date: 2007-08-21 10:45
Subject: Fic: The Talk - (Das Geschenk (The Gift) Series III), PG13, Tokio Hotel RPS
Security: Public
Tags:pg13/12, slash

Title: The Talk - (Das Geschenk (The Gift) Series III)
Series: Das Geschenk (The Gift) Series - part listing and word format downloads
Author: Beren
Fandom: Tokio Hotel RPS
Pairing: mentions Bill/Gustav
Rating: PG13 (for sexual references)
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, the real people in it are used without their permission and I definitely don't own them or have any copyright to any part of any of them. I do not believe any of this happened, is likely to happen or should happen it is simply a story created around known facts about those involved.
Warnings: vampire
Summary: Bill and Tom need to tell their best friend about their change in status.
Author's Notes: I realised that there was a significant person Bill and Tom hadn't told about being vampires, so here is their talk with Andreas. Thanks to Soph for the beta.
Word count: 3,984
Link to fic: The Talk - (Das Geschenk (The Gift) Series III)

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beren_writes posting in Tokio Hotel Fanfiction
User: [info]beren_writes
Date: 2007-08-13 15:52
Subject: Fic: Itchy Fingers, Tokio Hotel RPS, Bill/Georg, PG-13
Security: Public
Tags:bill/georg, pg13/12, slash

Title: Itchy Fingers
Author: Beren
Fandom: Tokio Hotel
Pairing: Biorg
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, the real people in it are used without their permission and I definitely don't own them or have any copyright to any part of any of them. I do not believe any of this happened, is likely to happen or should happen it is simply a story created around known facts about those involved.
Summary: Bill is just itching to touch, but what he wants to touch isn't his.
Author's Notes: This is for [info]meridian_star - just a bit of Biorg fluff. Thanks to Soph for the beta.
Word count: 1,898
Link: Itchy Fingers

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beren_writes posting in Tokio Hotel Fanfiction
User: [info]beren_writes
Date: 2007-07-27 13:34
Subject: Admin - Joining Post
Security: Public

This is a comm for fanfic about Tokio Hotel (the German rock band). We take fiction of all ratings and pairings, be is slash, het or gen. As long as the fic has a member of Tokio Hotel in it and it does not break the rules in the user info we will accept it.

Please read the user info before joining.

To join up please do the following:

1)Click the 'join' link (found in the user bar or at the top of the user info page)

2)Copy the following disclaimer (structure of which has been borrowed from hpvamp) and fill in the correct bits:

I, (username) , member of th_fanfic, am over the age of consent (insert age of consent)[if you do not know go with 18], in my region (insert name of region), and understand that the characters used herein are fictional representations of real people and the actions and situations contained in the fics are no reflection on the real people on which they are based. I understand the content of the community is fanfic and that it will contain slash as well as het pairings. I have read the community policies, and shall abide by them.

3)Then post it as a comment to this post.

One of the mods will then approve your membership.

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August 2007