Posts Tagged: 'recs'

Mar. 26th, 2011



2011 updated recs

Title: A Different Kind of Pain
Author: Obuletfury302 aka DreamShadows
Summary: Dom gets a wakeup call. Brian’s not as okay as he seems. Soldier verse. Sequel to ‘Come Back Home.’
Previous Parts

And Law Is Just A Myth by Devilc ( i may recced this before if sorry)

Title: Ain’t No Replacing This Feeling
Author: CorruptedSmile
Pairing: Brian/Dom
A/N: The title is a line from “Ridin’ By” by Natalia as I felt this went perfectly with this particular pairing. I hope you enjoy reading my rant about this subject. I know I enjoyed writing it.

Title: Along for the ride
Author: khaleesian
Pairing: Dom/Brian
Rating: PG-13
Author's note: Deleted scene from Fast and Furious...why does Brian look so pissed off when Dom delivers the title line?

Title: Along the Way
Author: NightRider
Rating: PG
Characters: Dom, Brian, Mia, Rico, Tego, Leon, Rome and minor original characters
Summary: Dom has questions. He hopes Brian has answers.

Title:Breakfast at Team Torretto's
Pairing: Brian O'Conner/Mia Toretto, Brian O'Conner/Dominic Toretto
Summary: Brian, Dom, Mia. Ficlet.

Born To Run by Frostfire
Summary:Across the border into Mexico. Post-fourth movie.

Bleach Blond Tramp by lucifel

Title: Crazy
Author: heeroluva
Pairing: Dom/Brian, Rome
Rating: PG-13)
Spoilers: first two movies
Summary: Seeing Brian and Rome together, Dom jumps to the wrong conclusions.

Come Home by Cuda (Scylla)
Summary: Covers what happened after Dom stormed out of the back room of the Toretto Grocery Store after beating the crap out of Brian in Fast & Furious. Takes place over about an hour, given driving time.

Pairing:dom/brian, dom/leon, dom/vince,

Copacetic by ilyena_sylph
Summary:All right, O'Conner, who you got in mind?

Title: Cracking the Code
Author: CorruptedSmile
Fandom: The Fast and The Furious (2001)
Pairing: Brian/Dom
Spoilers: Definitely

Down In Mexico by Scylla for Samantha_kathy

Finding Home by ellia
Summary:After LA, Dom finds himself drifting, across the country and through his life. Until he settles in Miami, and a familiar face kick-starts his life and his heart.

I Don't Ask for Much by spasticat
Summary:Brian thinks about Dom and those thoughts? Are not what he should be thinking when Dom shows up. Set during the first movie.

Title: Plans Change
Author: taibhrigh
Pairing: Dom/Brian
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Lists, plans and more as Brian waits for Dom's trial to be over.

Title: Pray for Rain
Author: persnickett
Pairing/Characters: Dom/Brian
Summary: Just a couple of adrenaline junkies.

Pursuit (The Pay to Play Remix) by celli
Summary: "Honey, if you looked at johns the way you look at that car, you'd have the boys lined up down the block."

Roadside Attractions by lady_match

Starting Over by Spikedluv[]=157746

The Kind That Talk The Loudest by sunsetmog
Summary:Set post-Fast and Furious, Dom, Brian and Mia try and carve a new life out for themselves on the right side of the law. Brian and Dom deal with the shift in their relationship.

Title: The Way Home
Author: elfin
Pairing: Dom / Brian
Rating: NC-17

Too Fast Too Furious Times at Ridgemont High by Devilc( now complete)

Title: Winging It
Author: Angel’s Kuuipo
Pairing: Dom/Brian
Summary: The Clue Bus finally catches up with Dom and Brian, well both of them, reap the rewards.



fics by khaleesian

Title : Accidents happen
So, Brian does a full-on flounce out of the car. And Dom’s not a complete idiot, so he snaps it off, pushes out, beeps it locked about as fast as he gracefully can. Which is not nearly fast enough. Brian’s all stompy-foot down the gangplank and it makes the boat rock gently.
Dom doesn’t catch up until they’re both inside and his heart sinks when Brian turns and narrows his eyes at him. Or, well, it’s hard to tell if Brian’s narrowing his eyes on purpose or whether it’s just the swelling. Brian’s eyes aren’t looking so blue in the crap houseboat light, they’re more gray now. Way more steely

Title : Bodywork
Pairing Roman/Dom
Rating NC-17
Dom had finally ambled out to the garage, hoping to keep the tension out of Brian’s eyes, but of course, the punk had fucking followed him. Dom took a long swallow of his fourth Corona, hoping to drown his irritation. Roman seemed to want, and yet not to want a battle, his constant push-pull had Dom’s aggravation meter jacked up to 11.

Title: Dark Days In The City
Author khaleesian
Pairing : Dom/Brian
Rating NC-17
Silver Springs, Maryland
She woke up when his weight shifted. He was getting up and his bulk leaving the bed always made it rock slightly. She groaned softly and squinted at the clock. Three a.m.
She had a vague sense that the phone had rung. Late night phone calls almost always meant tragedy. Though she knew instantly that it wasn’t personal, not theirs…otherwise he would have woken her. She could relax back into the sheets. Other people’s tragedy was just his job.

Title: Deus ex machina
Author khaleesian
Pairing : Dom/Brian
Rating NC-17
Officer Brian O’Connor hated robberies, hated break-ins, hated vandalism and hated ‘routine traffic stops’. But that was nothing in comparison to how much he absolutely despised and abhorred domestic violence calls.

Title: Female Trouble ( now complete )
Author: khaleesian
Pairing : dom/brian , brian/ roman
Rating NC-17
The sweat on Dom’s forehead is too hot to move. The ink of the newspaper is filmy and melting onto his fingers. He rolls his head back on his shoulders, unconsciously seeking a tiny breath of air. The air doesn’t feel like a blast from an oven. Forget oven, think kiln.
Down here for a few days a year, the wind turns itself around. It stops sweeping cool breezes off the face of the Pacific and turns to whip hot desert wind off the high plain. The Santa Anas. This year, those days have stretched to a month, as if the wind has decided it likes the enforced peace of the heat wave.

Title: Go ( no link yet coming soon)
Author: khaleesian
Pairing : dom/brian
Rating NC-17

Title: Generally Psychotic Behavior
Author: khaleesian
Pairing : dom/brian
Rating NC-17
Warning: Dub-con under tones
The ride back from Tran’s little shop of horrors had been quiet. Dom had worn his stone face and the others had been lost in their own worlds. At the garage, Dom had directed Jesse to take Vince back home and had wordlessly waved Brian into the Nissan. Vince had made an abortive gesture but he said nothing, though his eyes snapped with electricity. Brian assumed Dom was going to drop him off behind the Gato Negro where his truck was hiding, but twenty minutes into the drive he had to admit he had no idea where they were going. His mind kept wandering back to the sharper edges of the evening.

Title : Highway 50
Author: khaleesian
Pairing : dom/brian
Rating : pg-13
No surprise that he was the first one to wake up. After all, he’d left the party early.
Since leaving prison, Dom never lingered in a half-awake state. He would often find himself fully alert, standing up, his head churning with almost-remembered dreams. It was no different today. He had his pants on before he became conscious of the fact that he was conscious.

Title : Into the Sunset
Author: khaleesian
Pairing : dom/brian
Rating NC-17
Echo Park
Adrenaline is like any drug…it wears off and the crash can be meteoric. When Dom pulled up under a jacaranda tree two blocks from his house, he gave himself a sixty count to stop shaking. The car idled; his conditioning not to damage a turbocharged engine still outweighed his growing pain and panic.
The pain flooded through him as he pushed himself up and out of the low-slung car and trudged up the alley to the back of the house. The scent of garbage exacerbated the nausea that rose up in him at the smallest movement. He concentrated on the rhythm of his footsteps and when he stopped and huffed some deep breaths to keep from puking, the rhythm went on as throbbing pain. He focused on a mental catalogue of his injuries: Arm broken, for sure. Ribs cracked. Possible head injury. He spat out the welling saliva that threatened to choke him.

Title: Jia’s Challenge: a child with many mothers ( wip abandoned)
Author: khaleesian and other co authors
Pairing : Brain/Dom, Brian/X , X/Dom , X/Dom/Brian implied others
Rating : NC-17
There was Dom.
Brian's toe caught in the sidewalk and he barely managed to catch his balance before falling to the cement. He jerked his body back up and glanced wildly around. He was relieved to see the back of the familiar shaved head as it moved away from him through the crowd. He stretched his spine, lifted his chin, and peered over the throng in order to keep Dom in his sight.

Title : Madrugada
Author: khaleesian
Pairing : dom/brian
Rating NC-17
Dom was staring death in the face.
Death came in the form of a matronly woman in a new Mercedes SL. As he swerved and shot past her while she was attempting to make a left turn from Clarendon, all he saw was her startled white face glowing in the unforgiving beam of his headlights. And in the space of a breath, she was gone.

Title: Midnight Club ( no link yet coming soon )
Author: khaleesian
Pairing : dom/brian
Rating NC-17

Title: No Limits
Author: khaleesian
Pairing : dom/brian
Rating NC-17
It was a long, dusty road. Empty, as far as the eye could tell. The horizon had faded into a dusky pink blur. His hands rested loosely on the steering wheel as Dom scanned the vista that spread around him. The minute differences that marked the landscape as he had shot past were absent now. The clarity that had come with speed had departed and the hills, jagged with chaparral, had settled into a haze. Dom closed his eyes briefly to bring himself back to the present.

Title : Rewind
Author: khaleesian
Pairing : dom/brian
Rating NC-17
Dead. He’s dead now. Last race.
He’s finally done it. One last fuck-up in a long, convoluted chain of fuck-ups. Years and years of fucking up, ending right now. It was almost a relief.

Title : Repo Men
Author: khaleesian
Pairing : dom/brian . other crossover
Rating NC-17
Warning : crossover, Rated NC-17 for violence, bad language and sex
“Explain it to me again,” said Officer Van Ray.
Lieutenant Billie Chambers sighed, exasperated, “Once isn’t enough?”

Title : R-E-S-P-E-C-T
Author: khaleesian
Pairing : dom/brian
Rating NC-17
Something was different. Dom raised his head from his paper. The kitchen counter in front of him stood motionless. Something felt different. He looked up. Ceiling unchanged. He let the paper drift from his fingers down to the table. He looked down. Aha! A tube of Lava soap rested a few inches from his chair. A far cry from its usual perch beside the kitchen sink. He reached down and picked it up.

Title : Rough Ride
Author: khaleesian
Pairing : dom/brian
Rating NC-17
In the midst of his panic, the phone rang.
He’d forgotten the damn thing was in his pocket. Trying to fish it out while keeping his shaking hand steady on the wheel and not send the Supra into the curb or oncoming traffic, drove all other thoughts from his head for a moment. It felt weirdly good. For a second, he was too busy to think.

Title : Right and Left ( no link yet coming soon)
Author: khaleesian
Pairing : dom/brian
Rating NC-17

Title : Samurai Jack’ed
Author: khaleesian
Pairing : dom/brian
Dom woke up because he was having difficulty breathing. The light filtering through the filthy Venetian blinds was yellow with dust. Dom raised his head an inch and discovered that he couldn’t breathe because his nose had been forcefully pressed into the rough cotton weave of the couch. His lower lip was numb where it had been folded and pressed into the cushion.

Title Sins
Author: khaleesian
Pairing : none
Rating : pg-13
How can a person be so very, very good on everyone else’s behalf and so very, very bad on her own?
She pauses while brushing her hair. It’s hot today; she’s doing as much grooming as she can before slipping into her clothes. It’s going to be scorching down at the garage, one of those days where the windowless darkness just makes it an airless oven, not a cool sanctuary.

Title : Special Weapons and Tactics
Author: khaleesian
Pairing : dom/brianSpecial Weapons and Tactics
Rating NC-17
He had begged for a spot on the team. The asshole Bilkins had screeched but eventually relented when Tanner had pointed out that with Brian on tap they wouldn’t suffer for lack of adequate recon. Brian was glad. Partially because he knew he couldn’t stay away from any part of this investigation, partially to protect his newfound best friend from the hotheads that inevitably comprised LAPD SWAT.

Title : The seeds of surrender
Author: khaleesian
Pairing : dom/brian
Rating : R
The hallway was so gloomy that he slowed down to walk through it…it almost seemed that if he concentrated too hard the edges of his peripheral vision would start to blur and he would just gray right out. It was like walking into a library on a summer day…the bright and the heat snapped off suddenly by the dark and cool. It was a long time since he had been to this station. Months. He had picked up files here, but the building was still unfamiliar.

Title : The ride back from Neptune’s Net
Author: khaleesian
Pairing : dom/brian
“…So anyway your handling is great. Handling is your strong suit, what you need to work on is speed, y’know speed, the way you win? Speed is all about two things on a straightaway: timing, timing and what’s the second thing?”
“Didn’t realize there was going to be a quiz.” Brian mumbled.

Title : There in nine flat
Author: khaleesian
Pairing : dom/brian
Rating : PG-13
Warning : mpreg , bitchy preg!Dom
Dom had one moment between asleep and awake before the saliva was drowning him. He clamped his hand over his mouth, slid out from Brian’s limp arm and tried to make it to the bathroom without tripping on or banging into anything.
Intense, wracking waves of nausea kept him bent over the toilet long enough for his knees and toes to absorb the cold from the tile, long enough for the headache to stick inch-long claws into his brain. He didn’t even have that much to bring up, but getting the little out seemed to require his guts upending themselves. And Lord, the bathroom was disgusting. He flushed the toilet and tried to pull himself up without jerking the sink right out of the wall. Examining it blearily, he wasn’t quite sure that the grout and pipes could bear his weight.

Vaughn, New Mexico, Day by khaleesian

Title: Velvet Rope
Author: khaleesian
Pairing : Roman/Brian
On the bed, Brian slumps his shoulders and rolls his eyes heavenward. In oversized jeans, t-shirt and Converse, he looks like a kid who’s been told that he has to do his homework before he can play.

Remember to check for updates



The ub series

The fast and the furious list two



Unfinished Business universe in order i think lol


Pre UB : Be Careful What You Wish For

UB : Unfinshed B U
by maygra
UB : An Unexpected Visitor
UB : Counting the Days
UB : Waiting in the Pouring Rain

UB : shifting_gears

UB : Almost
by Bone
UB : A Little Less Conversation

UB : Rush

UB : Changes

UB : Coda One: Conversation

UB : Coda two Bella Morte

UB : Damage

UB : The Debt You Owe
UB : The Price You Pay

UB : sway

UB : Blind Observations

UB : Uncut and Unmannerly

post UB : To Have and To Own (post story line)

UB : Outake One: When Little Sisters Make Big Discoveries
UB : Women In Love

More from Maygra here

Jun. 28th, 2010



brian/dom mpreg

brian/dom mpreg

older links
through wayback
b insane community ( you can ask for what ever you looking for)
yahoo groups (must a member)

The Mpreg Archive Forum (must join)

for amy stuff to her site

Title: Revenge?

There In Nine Flat ( dom pregnat and in a fairly pissy mood poor brian)

Don't Kill Me



C. Roxane's story

Croxane's The Slashed and the Curious
Croxane's Blackberries
Croxane's Lana's Parents
Croxane's Ghost from the Past
Croxane's The Route Chosen
Croxane's Doodles
Croxane's Proof of CLex
Croxane's Smallville's Snow White
Croxane's Anger Management

Croxane's The Bump and Grind
Croxane's Caged
Croxane's Christmas in Dixie second part of Caged
Croxane's Collision Course
Croxane's The Carolina Cup

Catalyst -1 - The Tower
Later days
Endless Seas



fic by bone

maygra & bone ub universe

by bone

Wayback replay means you have to wait five seconds before the site appears

Almost 1 :: 15 kb :: Dom/Brian :: NC-17
Almost 2 :: 16 kb :: Dom/Brian :: NC-17
Almost 3 :: 15 kb :: Dom/Brian :: NC-17
Almost 4: A Little Less Conversation :: 41 kb :: Dom/Brian :: NC-17
Almost 5: A Little Night Music :: 12 kb :: Dom/Brian :: NC-17

look again (Duncan/Jim)
Look Again
One Last Look
She also has another one called Halloween Hangover:

Sep. 20th, 2009



m to Z brian/dom recs


Title: Magnetic
Rating: PG
Summary: A quiet moment in time

Meet Somewhere Left of Middle by Angel’s Kuuipo(Dom/Brian)
Summary: Beautiful day, beautiful scenery. Introspection seemed like a good idea.

Title:Meanwhile, Back At The Fort
Author: Khayman
Rating: R
Summary Ever wonder what happened the night before Race Wars? Take a peek!

Title: Mileometer
Author: random_serious
Pairing: Brian, Dom
Ratings: PG
Summary: Five years ago was five years ago

mlyn fics


Title: Of Course You Know, This Means War
Author: Angel’s Kuuipo
Pairing: Dom/Brian
Author’s Note: This was written for khaleesian who won the Lyrics challenge I conducted on my journal. This is my first time writing in the FATF ‘verse, so I really hope I did the team justice. Hopefully, it won’t be my last.
Author’s Note the 2nd: Thanks be to sionnach_ayame for the beta.
Summary: A picnic leads to some interesting discoveries


Title: ? part deux
Author: khaleesian
Pairing/character: Dom/Brian
Rating: NC-17
Porn sequel: smuttier, nastier, more fetishes on display. Click if you're into that.

Pursuit (The Pay to Play Remix) by celli --rmis to


Title: Quarter Mile
Author: sinsense
Pairings: Brian/Dom

Title: Quarter Freedom
Author: obuletfury302 aka DreamShadows (fanfiction)
Warnings: Schmoop, Could be taken as both Slash and Het, kind of fluffy, short, un-beta’ed, Spoilers for the 4th movie
Summary: Because there needed to be a short little scene at the end to wrap it up…
Disclaimer: I tried to buy them over the internet, and waited, and waited and waited…


Title: Racer X
Author: mercurybard
Rating: PG
Pairings: Brian/Dom
Word Count: 220

Title: Reminiscing ( slash)
Author: heeroluva
Fandom: The Fast and the Furious
Pairing: Brian/Dom
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Exhibitionism
Summary: Brian remembers what he once had.

Title:Rubik's Cube
Author ailette
Pairing Brian/Dom

Title: See What I See
Pairing: Brian/Dom
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Slash/Kink
Disclaimer: Suffice to say, they are not mine. No money, no malice, and I return them unharmed when I’m done.
Summary: Brian wants Dom to see what he sees.

Title: Singin’ Those Prison Blues
Author: KliqzAngel
Pairing/character: Dominic Toretto, Jared Padalecki with a minor appearance by Brian O’Connor.
Pairing: Brian/Dom with small implication of Dom/Jared
Content: Nothing to worry about. AU, Established M/M Relationship. Touchy!Jared,
Protective!Dom, Accepting!Brian. You know, the usual.
Rating: PG-13 just to be safe.
Notes: Takes place before my story Life Across the Finish Line (or J2 does the Fast and the Furious),
which was not posted to any of my tFatF groups just because I didn’t think the Brian/Dom content was
high enough in the last half of the story to qualify. But you can read it here( )if you’d like. There are some very good moments with the boys.

Title: Shrine
Author: mercurybard
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Pairings: Brian/Dom
Notes: This is a significant moment. Brian just doesn't know why yet.
Brian had never gone in the garage before

Title: Sorted
Fandom: The Fast and The Furious
Pairing: Brian/Dom
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Slash
Summary: And Brian thought, maybe this was how it was supposed to be all along, and maybe he did have it sorted after all.

Slow Ship Turning by sli
Brian/Dom Set after Fast & Furious (2009).
Many thanks to Zabira for her capslocky encouragement and support and speed read (this fic is less than completely beta-read due to my own procrastinatory ways) and also because she postponed rereading certain favorite F&F fics in solidarity with me until the fic was submitted. THERE IS NO GREATER SACRIFICE.

Title: Space
Author: Nox
Fandom: Fast and Furious
Pairing/character: Brian/Dom
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine. No offence or liability intended
Summary: Brian just needs some space, because after so long in a car with Dom, his dick needs some attention.

Still flying (it's not much but it's enough) by unperfectwolf

stormy1x2 fic

Slow Ship Turning by sli
Brian/Dom Set after Fast & Furious (2009).
Many thanks to Zabira for her capslocky encouragement and support and speed read (this fic is less than completely beta-read due to my own procrastinatory ways) and also because she postponed rereading certain favorite F&F fics in solidarity with me until the fic was submitted. THERE IS NO GREATER SACRIFICE.

Title: Space
Author: Nox
Fandom: Fast and Furious
Pairing/character: Brian/Dom
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine. No offence or liability intended
Summary: Brian just needs some space, because after so long in a car with Dom, his dick needs some attention.

Still flying (it's not much but it's enough) by unperfectwolf


Title: Talk
Pairing: Dom/Brian
Rating: NC17
Notes/Warnings: Slash, explicit sex. I know, I can’t believe I wrote that many words either. Feedback, comments and criticism much appreciated as always.

Title: Tables Turned
Author: Shine
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I do not own them, in any way, shape, or form.
Summary: Dom had seen people get on their knees before.

Title: Ten Seconds Or Less
Author: lies-d
Pairings: Brian/Dom
Summary:For ten seconds or less, behind the wheel of his father’s car, Dom was free. For the first time in his entire life someone was
there with him. Not pulling ahead or falling behind, but right there beside him. It was the most amazing thing. Dom glanced over to see
the adrenaline rush mirrored on Brian’s face, to see the flash of recognition.

Title:The Letter
Author:Paula K
Pairings: Brian/Dom
Rating: NC-17
Summary; Brian comes to realise some things about his relationship with Dom and the series takes a romantic twist.

Title: The Good Burn
Author: Supercaptain182
Fandom: The Fast and The Furious
Rating: R to NC-17ish
Pairing: Brian/Dom
Summary: You never forget the heat.

Title: The Man with the Plan ( gen. with implied slash)
Author: Angel’s Kuuipo
Characters/Pairings: Dominic Toretto, Brian O’Conner
Author’s Note: Just a little peek into Dom’s thoughts at the end of F&F. Un-betaed.
Summary: Dom knew Brian was there.

Title: The Twisting Road
Author: HoT.aGaiNsT.a.WaLL
Pairing: Brian/Dom
Warning: Foul language, violence, boyXboy
Summary: After getting Dom of the bus that was taking him to prison, Brian and him have a little chat on the road to Miami. Dom/Brian.

Title: Things Left Unsaid
Pairing: Brian/Dom
Summary: A coda of sorts… Words Brian and Dom could have said before the feds arrived.

Title: the fast and the furious fic, yo.
Rating: G


Title: undecided.
Prologue and chapter one
Pairing/character: Dom/Brian
Summary: Brian let Dom go, then gave him his freedom.

Unsettled By Creed Cascade

Untitled by khaleesian

Title: Untitled
Pairing: Brian/Dom, Brian/OMC
Rating: 14 up
Warnings: A naughty word of two
Disclaimer: Let’s see, producers use writer’s work on the internet and turn a profit without proper compensation, at least as of 2/7/08. I use their characters and don’t make anything. Who’s the bad guy?
Author’s Note: This was supposed to be done about a year ago as a short sequel to one of the versions of my multi-part fic Contact. Even though it’s an AU, I figured I better get it posted before the next film is done and canon changes agai



Title: Where It All Began
Author: Spikedluv
Fandom: The Fast and the Furious
Rating: PG13-R-ish/Pre-Slash
Pairing: Brian/Dom
Spoilers: The Fast and the Furious and 2 Fast 2 Furious.
Summary: Bilkins brings Brian and Dom back together.
Notes: Takes place post-2 Fast 2 Furious. Written for the smallfandomflsh Challenge #21: Trust. more

Title: What Are Friends For
Author: Chosenfire
Fandom: The Fast and the Furious
Pairing/Characters: Brian/Dom
Rating/Category: PG-13/Slash
Summary: Dom finds Brian in Miami living in Tej’s backyard.

Title: Why
Pairing: Brian/Dom
Rating: PG
Warnings: Pre-slash
Summary: He’d asked, because it was Brian. 46.html

Title: Who’s right/who’s left
Author: khaleesian
Pairing: D/B
Rating: NC-17 (yup)
Disclaimer: Not Universal, no money made l



Title: You Got Me
Author: Anhelikah
Rating: R for disturbing subject matter and language
Pairing: Brian/Dom
Summary: Dom never thought he'd live the lifestyle of an undercover cop.
Comments: Feedback is like fresh baked cookies!
Disclaimer: I don't own the FAF movies, characters, franchise etc.
AN: Sorry for taking a while with updating! School work and moving is kicking my butt, but this chapter is a little longer than the others. tml

Title: You're Dirty, You're Beautiful
Author: azephirin / abi z.
Pairing: Brian/Dom
Summary: There's only things I can do to show you that I am with you.
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: For the Fast & Furious series, only vague implications as to the ending of the fourth movie. There are spoilers in dialogue for several other movies, including My Beautiful Laundrette, Old Yeller, and Traffic.


More recs: here 12/tf-tf-recs-updated-and-fixed-links-/



d to m brian/dom recs

Title:Drabble meme results
Author: ilyena_sylph
Pairing: Brian/Dom

Title: Dessert (f-locked)
Author: brynwulf
Pairing: Brian/Dom
Rated: R?

Title: Dark Days in Light City
Authors:maygra and khaleesian
Rating: XXX
Disclaimer: Not Universal/no profit
It's a wrap!
( DDLC: end )

Title:Drabble meme results
Author: ilyena_sylph
Pairing: Brian/Dom


Author:Jena Bartley
Pairing: Dom/Brian
Rating: NC-17

Title:Every Thorn
Author: elfin
Pairing: Brian/Dominic
Rating: NC-17
An: Post-film fluff really. Usually I'd make sure I knew what I was talking about before writing in a fandom but I'm supposed to be writing a novel (pokes muse) and it's Christmas so I'm really busy... so apologies if some of this is complete bollocks

Expect the Unexpected by Yukito for Lasha

Eyes On by Merfilly


Title:Faster than Furious
Author: HoT.aGaiNsT.a.WaLL
Pairing: Brian/Dom
Warning: Foul language, violence, boyXboy
Summary: What happens after they break Dom out?

Title: Finding Home
Author: heeroluva
Pairing: Brian/Dom
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Brian finally realized what family means.

Title: Five Phone Conversations Brian Never Thought He'd Have
Author: Shine
Rating: G
Spoilers: first and fourth movies
Summary: "Brian," said a voice he thought he'd never hear again, and Brian almost dropped the headset.
Notes: This is my first ever F&F story. [nervous] That said, I welcome any and all feedback, concrit,
or comments. Grateful thanks to archerstar for beta. Mods, if my post isn't correct, please let me know and I'll fix asap.

Title: FamilyTies (TFATF/Brothers & Sisters Crossover)
Author: blackberry bellechase65
Rating: PG
Pairing: Brian/Dom, canon Walker pairing
Disclaimer: Clearly these characters are not mine.
Summary: Forsmallfandomfest & x-posted. Brian finds out William Walker was his father. He's not sure what to do with the information.

Title: First Win
Author: taylor_serenil
Pairing: Brian/Dom
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A chance reunion leads to much more.
Warnings/Notes: Consensual bondage. Brief mention of attempted prison rape. Although reading Initiation isn't completely a requirement for this to make sense, it will help. AU--both Brian and Dom are in Miami, about a year after the first TFATF. In other words, contains movie spoilers. Rafe Montiel's mine-just thought the name was cool, needed an OC for a few bits and pieces. Dom's Juan Dominguez (thanks for the name, khal). And for some reason, this one seems to be coming at me more from Dom's POV, although the last bit's from Brian's. Go figure. The wonderful C. Roxane consented to beta and midwife this story, so some of the credit belongs to her.

Five Phone Conversations by Shine (shinetheway)

Title: Go Along
Pairing: Brian/Dom
Rating: PG
Prompt: Brian puts his hand on Dom’s leg on the couch one night and Dom doesn’t have the first clue how to react, especially since his body seems to be doing it for him.
A/N: Written for lgbtfest . Orginally it was going to be in Dom's living room, then I had another thought. For some reason this was a little harder to get done than I thought it would be, but I made the deadline. Yay. Takes place right after Race Wars.

Gravity by ixchel55


Title:Hanging On A Moment
Author Paula K
Pairing: Dom/Brian
Rating: NC-17

Title: Head
Fandom: The Fast and the Furious
Pairing: Brian/Dom
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Suffice to say, they are not mine. No money, no malice, and I return them unharmed when I’m done.
Summary: It’s always about the head.

Title: Hide and SeeK
Pairing: Brian/Dom
Rating: PG-13
A/N: I finally have a pretty Dom/Brian icon! So, the next prompt (#10 -
Hide and Seek) for story_lottery ! This fic takes place during the very
beginning of 2Fast2Furious.

Title: Hero
Characters: Dom/Brian
Rating: PG for language
Disclaimer: Don't own, not mine!
Notes: Spoiler for end o f&f ; written for slashthedrabble #206 'Signs'.
Title: Hood
Author: Nox
Pairing: Dom/Brian
Rating: NC-17
Summary: It makes sense that they do this here.
Notes/Warnings: Set before they leave for Mexico.


Title: It’s Always Been You
Author: Spikedluv
Fandom: The Fast and the Furious
Rating: NC17/Slash
Pairing: Brian/Dom
Spoilers: Through Fast and Furious.
Summary: Dom kissed him again, and everything shifted and fell into place. Him and Dom, together in this place.

I Don't Ask for Much by spasticat--Brian/Dom
Summary: Brian thinks about Dom and those thoughts? Are not what he should be thinking when Dom shows up. Set during the first movie.

Title: Initiation
Author: taylor_serenil
Relationships: Rating's for Dom/Brian, implied Dom/Letty
Rating: NC-17
Summary: One way Brian might have made his way onto Dom's team.
Warnings/notes: Drug use. Debatable consent issues. Some implied m/f content. Voyeurism. Toys. Beta and handholding duties performed by the wonderful C. Roxane, although the last rewrite is all mine, and therefore if I missed something, it's my fault, not hers. Some spoilers for The Fast and The Furious.


Title: Knowing
Pairing: Brian/Mia, Brian/Dom implied
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Fast & Furious
Disclaimer: It's all you, Universal and Justin Lin.
A/N: The drabbliest of drabbles. YAY! Finally saw the movie this afternoon and this popped into my head on the way home. And it wasn't doing me any good there. So here it is. Now I can page back and catch up on a week's worth of posts about the movie.
updated april 9th 2009


Title: Lapped (On a Round Track, the End is the Beginning)
Author: persnickett
Fandom: Fast and the Furious, The
Pairing: Dom/Brian, mentions Letty
Rating: R
Summary: Brian talks too much
Notes/Warnings: Written for smallfandomfest. This is my first slash, and it's unbeta-ed (yes, corrections and where to find help are welcome!). I noticed way too late that this promt was for THE Fast and THE Furious, so could have technically been meant for the first film only, but I took it to mean the whole fandom. The timeline of this is pretty vague, but it's most firmly set *after* the fourth movie, so I apologize to my prompter, if it doesn't count.

Title: Last Chance( het and slash)
Pairing:Brian/Dom (mention of Brian/Mia)
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: One Race Productions and Universal own this one, not me

Title: Leather( just let you know i did rec this first uh my brother passed it along ..he found on one og his smut hunts *blushs*. I jioned the group anfound alot of stories like this. i'll them to anyone asks just say you looking for stories like leather. my email is
Pairing: Dom/Brian/Reaper
Rating: NC17 Slash/Threesome
Summary: Leather. Skin.

Title: Livin’ in Miami, Dreamin’ of Home
Author: KliqzAngel
Characters: Brian, Rome, Implied or Pre-Brian/Dom
Summary: While Brian’s body lives in Miami his heart still resides in LA



a to d brian/dom recs


Title: A Little Wager (gen fic, crossover)
Author: GraceandFire
Fandoms: Stargate Atlantis/The Fast & The Furious Crossover
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Summary: Brian O'Conner is now a member of the Atlantis expedition. Brian and John end up racing puddle jumpers. McKay is way too invested.

Title: A Year, A Car, and A F_ck
Pairing: Dom/Brian
Rating: NC17
Notes/Warnings: This story contains slashy sexual situations and is my first fic of any kind in this fandom. My thanks go to firefox1490 for putting this prompt up. This fic was also looked over only by yours truly so any and all mistakes are mine. Very mild spoilers for the end of Fast and Furious. Originally posted for Round 13 at rounds_of_kink.
Title: After
Author: Ally Ranger
Rating: R
Warnings: This fiction is SLASH, that is, it contains two members of the same sex in a romantic and/or sexual situation, if you don't like that, read no further.
Disclaimer: All things The Fast and The Furious belong to its copyright holders. Characters are used without permission and no money has been made from their use.

Title: Across the Border, Into the Sunset
Author: NightRider
Rating: G
Characters: Dom, Brian, Mia, Rico, and Tego
Spoilers: Fourth movie
Summary: Brian has no plans for the future. Everything up to this point had been consumed by Dom.

Title: After Party
Author: kelly_girl
Pairing: Brian/Dom
Summary: After the party, it's the after party and by that I mean sex.

Title: Across the Border, Into the Sunset
Author: NightRider
Rating: G
Characters: Dom, Brian, Mia, Rico, and Tego
Spoilers: Fourth movie
Beta: The forever amazing souleswanderer and fantastic raynedanser
Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Fast and Furious and no money was made from writing this story.
Summary: Brian has no plans for the future. Everything up to this point had been consumed by Dom.

Title: Along the Way
Author: NightRider
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1602
Characters: Dom, Brian, Mia, Rico, and Tego
Spoilers: All four movies
Beta: The forever amazing souleswanderer and raynedanser
Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Fast and Furious and no money was made from writing this story.
Summary: Dom has questions. He hopes Brian has answers.

After All This Time by Angel’s Kuuipo(Dom/Brian)
Summary: After all that’s happened, have we still got a chance?

All the Redemption I Can Offer (Is Beneath this Dirty Hood) by harmonyangel(Dom/Brian)
Summary: Brian had spent most of his life trying to deny what he wanted: fast cars and the guys who drove them.

And Law Is Just a Myth by (Dom/Brian)

Title: A House Full of Ghosts
Author: SC182
Fandom: The Fast and The Furious
Pairing: Dom/Brian pre-slash
Summary: Brian never pushes and Dom appreciates that. Sometimes knowing the gravity of one’s mistakes is enough.

Title: All Fired Up
Author: arlad
Pairings: Sam/Dean, Brian/Dom
Rating: R
Summary: Brian O’Conner owns a garage with his partner Dominic Toretto in Ensenada, Mexico. One day, he gets a call from a couple of guys on vacation who get stranded on the road and need a tow truck – a couple of guys in a ’67 Chevy Impala.

Title: Along the Way
Author: NightRider
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1602
Characters: Dom, Brian, Mia, Rico, and Tego
Spoilers: All four movies
Beta: The forever amazing [info]souleswanderer and [info]raynedanser
Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Fast and Furious and no money was made from writing this story.
Summary: Dom has questions. He hopes Brian has answers.

And Law Is Just A Myth by Devilc

A little bit of something by lily (lilysaid) for shrift

Title: Along the Way
Author: NightRider
Rating: PG
Beta: The forever amazing souleswanderer and raynedanser
Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Fast and Furious and no money was made from writing this story.
Summary: Dom has questions. He hopes Brian has answers.
A/N: I'm not exactly sure how this happened. *scratches head* The muse is a fickle beast.

Title: A horse and a Colt (wip)
Pairing: uh b/d , b/r, implied d/letty and other i think, though i don't even remember mia
in the last version.Author:khaleesian
Rating: i'd say R I read the first version....uh just trust me on this one.

Title: About Damn Time
Author LulaGirl

Title: A Code
Author: Nancy
Pairing: Dom/Brian
Rating: R
Warnings: angst, language, minor violence

Title: Autofocus
Author: Paula K
Pairing: Dom/Brian
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Dom's past pays a visit when Dom introduces Brian to his dad's car -
closer-than-brothers bonding ensues!

Title: Across the Border, Into the Sunset
Author: NightRider
Rating: G
Word Count: 511
Characters: Dom, Brian, Mia, Rico, and Tego
Spoilers: Fourth movie
Beta: The forever amazing [info]souleswanderer and fantastic [info]raynedanser
Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Fast and Furious and no money was made from writing this story.
Summary: Brian has no plans for the future. Everything up to this point had been consumed by Dom.

Title: Believing ( mixed bag of het and slash)
Author: heeroluva
Pairing: Brian/Dom, talk of Dom/Letty and Brian/Mia
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Brian and Dom have a discussion about the state of things.

Title:Better Than Allstate
Author: SC182
Pairing: Dom/Brian
Summary: Dom thought Brian was like insurance.

Title:Bee Mine
Author: Dallas
Pairing: Dom/Brian
Rating: PG-13
Summary:This story was written as part of the AoVD Lyric Wheel Project. The theme for
the wheel was "Valentine's Day and Unrequited Love" where a Vin character's affections are not reciprocated.
more fics from Dallas

Title: Bring It On!
Author: KliqzAngel
Pairing: Brian/Dom, with mentions of Letty and Dom/Letty
Rating: R
Summary: Brian got Dom out of Federal custody and they’re back together, but the ghost of Letty
still haunts Dominic. Can Brian pull Dom back from the edge or will Dom’s guilt rob him of what little he has left? r_mile/148520.html#cutid1


Catch by Nestra

Title: Come Back Home
Author: obuletfury302
Pairing: Brian/Dom
Summary: AU from the end of the first movie. Brian’s been at war and he wanted nothing more than to come back home. He doesn’t expect what he finds waiting for him when he finally does make it home.

Controlled Pressure by ellia

Copacetic by ilyena_sylph, Katarik
Summary: All right, O'Conner, who you got in mind?

Title: Creation myths of the Car Gods
Author: Naja
Pairing: Dom/Brian
Rating: NC17
Summary: What happens when one unstoppable force meets another one.
Author's notes: Set circa first film, it's PWP meets tacky poetry. This is kinda artsy, kinda tongue-in-cheek. You can play spot-the-simile with the ice and fire stuff. Also, apologies to the ancient Norse for ripping them off. Have fun!

Title: Cards (slash)
Pairings: Brian/Dom
Rating: PG-13
A/N: Okay, so this was written for prompt #14 - Cards over at story_lottery and it takes place after TFATF: Tokyo
Drift. Mainly because I'm still trying to convince myself that even TD is really good and just hasn't enough of Dom
(or Brian, for that matter). Anyway. Enjoy and tell me what you think.

Title:Caught in the Act
Pairings: Dom/Brian, Dom/Vince, Vince/Brian
Rating: NC-17

Title: Crossroads
Author: khaleesian
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: B/D
Spoilers: Fast and Furious

Crossing The Border 1/3 by XScribe Dom/Brian ( yahooo groups locked post you must
join to read story )

Author: HoT.aGaiNsT.a.WaLL
Pairing: Brian/Dom
Summary:It was the adrenaline that did him in... Hinted Dom/Brian...

Come Back Home by obuletfury302 (Dom/Brian)
Summary: AU from the end of the first movie. Brian’s been at war and he wanted nothing more than to come back home. He doesn’t expect what he finds waiting for him when he finally does make it home.

Close the Door by Desari (Dom/Brian)

Author: untappedbeauty
Pairing: Dom/Brian
Rating R

Title: Controlled Pressure
Pairing: Dom/Brian
Rating: NC17
Summary Brian takes Dom for the ride of his life.
My bingo cards are here :

Title: Curves and Curses
Author: graceandfire
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Genderbending with swearing and sex.
Summary: Brian gets turned into a girl by a gypsy curse. Dom is perturbed.


Title: Dark Days in Light City
Authors:maygra and khaleesian
Rating: XXX
Disclaimer: Not Universal/no profit
It's a wrap!
( DDLC: end )

Title: Decisions
Author: Morgan
Pairing: Brian/Dom
Rating: NC17
Notes: This takes place during the first movie and is just a snippet of something that is totally from Dom's point of view, his thoughts. The look on his face when he finds out the Brian is a cop is what prompted the idea. Takes place after the raid on Tran and before the drive Dom and Brian takes.

Title:Drabble meme results
Author: ilyena_sylph
Pairing: Brian/Dom

Title: Drive Slow
Author supercaptain182
Beta: icesamzero
Pairing: Brian/Dom, Clark/Lex implied
Summary: Sometimes, you have to drive home in order to slow down.
A/N: This is an AU Smallville/Fast and The Furious crossover. Let’s say the second movie and beyond didn’t happen and this post-Season 5 in Smallville. All the spoilers apply, except the rift is non-existent. Thank you so much icesamzero for venturing into Smallville for this fic.

Title:Don't ask for much
Author: spasticat
Rating pg 13

Domesticity Becomes You By Creed Cascade
Summary: Man vs. Machine.

Discreet by Nestra

Title: Disappear
Author: Naja
Pairing: Dom/Brian
Rating: R Summary: Brian shaves his head. It fucks with Dom’s.
A/N: My attempt at the Mexico story. Post F&F, AU to my last fic, sorry about the googled (untranslated) Spanish and weird present tense. This fic owes something to Running Scared, so thanx Wayne Kramer (and Motion City Soundtrack for the title).