all i need is a miracle

elcarim a si deen i lla

all i need is a miracle (a writing repository)


October 17th, 2008

[LIONSverse] [Theme 1/100] [Aurelia; Tom, Lupus] [Rated T] Graduation Day

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Title: Graduation Day
Theme: 001. Accomplished
Fandom/Pairing: LIONSverse; Aurelia (some Tom, some Lupus)
Rating: ESRB Rating of T for Teen < implied character death, experimental style >
Summary: When Aurelia gave her Valedictorian Speech, she spoke of herself and her squad, but she was thinking about someone else entirely...
Notes: Highly experimental style. I may try this again someday. Also, I'd really like opinions on it (hence why it's here, and not at [info]escalator2heavn.)

That room--the sun room--is always yellow, in her mind. )
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