all i need is a miracle

elcarim a si deen i lla

all i need is a miracle (a writing repository)


May 15th, 2009

[Final Fantasy VII] [Tifa/Aeris] [Rated M] Space

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Title: Space
Fandom/Pairing: Final Fantasy VII; Tifa/Aeris
Rating: ESRB Rating of M for Mature < scenes of a sexual nature >
Summary: When you're two of the three women in a group of men, it's parodoxically easy to find or make a space just for yourselves.
Notes: Feminist Final Fantasy Fic? ...maybe someday.
Cross-Posted: Whored around DW.

When you're two of the three women in a group of men, it's parodoxically easy to find or make a space just for yourselves. )

June 25th, 2008

WIP [Final Fantasy VII] [OCs] [Rated M] Stood By The Sea (?/1)

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Title: Stood By The Sea
Fandom/Pairing: Final Fantasy VII; uninventive pairings
Rating: ESRB Rating of M for Mature < languge, violence >
Summary: Assuming Cloud Strife ever had a son, and he lived to be twenty-two without anybody killing him, this is how he might have a very bad week.
Notes: Because sometimes, I like to wonder where they'll all be in thirty years or so. And yes, this IS based on a specific song from, you know, real life.

Please nobody hurt me for this shameless mental splurge. )

June 19th, 2008

[Final Fantasy VII] [Vincent] [Rated M] Fire to the Sails (1/?)

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Title: Fire to the Sails
Fandom/Pairing: Final Fantasy VII; Vincent
Rating: ESRB Rating of M for Mature < extreme violence >
Summary: It's not easy being a vampire amongst sky pirates. Vincent's story, from the very beginning to the end. AU.
Notes: Just as a quick explanation: this isn't so much one cohesive story as a series of side-stories and drabbles for a multi-chapter piece I haven't uploaded yet. Also, segment titles are so very totally from Jacqueline Carey's "Kushiel's Legacy" series.

Fire and fleet and candle-licht... )
WORDS: 699
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