all i need is a miracle

elcarim a si deen i lla

all i need is a miracle (a writing repository)


October 22nd, 2008

[Final Fantasy VII][Sephiroth, AVALANCHE, Turks] [Rated T] Four Minutes, Twenty-Five Seconds

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Title: Four Minutes, Twenty-Five Seconds
Fandom/Pairing: Final Fantasy VII; Sephiroth, all of AVALANCHE, the Turks
Rating: ESRB Rating of T for Teen < Sephiroth, hilarity, swearing >
Summary: Sometime after their recent arrival in Nibelheim, Sephiroth returns to the Shinra Mansion and discovers that a years-old dancing sensation has reared its ugly head.
Notes: In the Faith & Feather universe. Also, the Chocarena is an actual song: download it here.

To say that he was surprised to see Cid, Reno, and Barret all on the front step of the Shinra Manor would have been an understatement. )
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