Oct. 11th, 2022



Network: Pilot

I am afraid to announce that we seem to have lost Thor Odinson and Peter Parker.

There are no longer any signs of them onboard Moya.


I am sorry.



Network: Deke Crichton

Ta dah!

So, I figured it was time for a movie night. Torunn and Pilot helped us get materials and set up. I even tried out a recipe for something that might or might not resemble popcorn. Maybe.

Anyway, I figured it would be fun to gather everyone when they're not busy and maybe hang out? Or something. You know, since it's been a long time since something's tried to kill us or anything.

Oct. 9th, 2022



Network: Deke Crichton

So, guess what? I might have been looking at some of Tony's files and figured out a way to display them in an empty cargo bay on the ship. Only thing is, I have no idea how we're going to make popcorn way out here. I've only heard about it from my dad, but maybe we can cook something up that's similar, right??

Looks like Tony had a pretty big collection, so I'm going to leave it to the experts to pick what you all want to watch first. Any ideas?

[Deke has included a list of media files that he downloaded from Tony's suit. Feel free to assume some of your character's favorites are on there]

Oct. 6th, 2022




What I wouldn't give for a good slice of pizza right now. Maybe a pumpkin spice latte.

Fellow travelers, what's something you miss the most from home?



open net | kamala khan

Oookay. I need someone to pinch me, because this has to be some kind of freaky freaky dream, right? Right. It has to be. My Ammi is going to KILL me