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Jun. 10th, 2008


Live From Afghanistan!

Ok...who the hell decided to have M16 patrol rifle qualifications in Afghanistan?!  Well, it sure the hell wasn't me.  But that's where I'll be all day today!  Actually, all week!  Having to take a plane just to go to Afganistan for one day of training is beyong me.  They say that we need to learn how to deal with the heat.  They must be crazy!

Jun. 9th, 2008


I hate twilight. Its stupid and not at all romantic. Stephenie meyer is not a good writer at all.

Jun. 5th, 2008


I'm not behind on catching up around here.

I hope you guys have no patience for me in this matter.


Greatest co-workers

I must say, I have the greatest co-workers in the world!  None of them & I mean none of them need to be told how to work a computer.  This makes my life so much easier because that means I can actually concentrate on doing my paperwork & not having to help some idiot who doesn't know his left from his right!

And they are so appreciative of when I do things for them!  

Man, I have the greatest co-workers in the world!

Jun. 3rd, 2008


im not new here.

I'm also not going through a jensen ackles/dean winchester phase.


I love LJ Abuse

I'm so happy the LJ Abuse candidate won the recent livejournal "election". I'm sure she'll change EVERYTHING. Fandom will be rainbows and unicorns!

Jun. 1st, 2008


breakfast with a lion..

This morning I woke up with my lion licking me in the face and pawing me lightly. He told me I overslept and everyone was hungry. "I'd cook myself but I am a little short in the opposable thumbs area." he joked.

So I got up and my neice and nephew were playing quietly on our PS3. My son was sitting at the paino composing some new piece that reminded me of something Beethoven would appreciate.

After making the most perfect bacon in the world (and a half a lamb for Lancelot, my lion) we all sat down to eat. I brushed my neices hair and she didn't complaiin once.. and then I groomed Lancelot for a while.

I think we will all go to the mall now. Lancelot needs some new conditioner and I could use a pedicure.

May. 29th, 2008


he is so passionless..

He didn't make me think of the first time..

I didn't feel my heart race and my breath catch..


no way - not me

I'm not standing here poking everyone in this community!

May. 28th, 2008


wallpapers.. makes me so happy right now!  I looooove how they changed the coding.  I mean, I hated it when I could actually put a thumbnail pic of the wallpaper somewhere like my journal and have people click it and see it full sized.  That was a shitty feature!  I am so glad I can't do that anymore.  I love how limited the coding is for us users now.  YAY!  

I really hope I don't find a fantastic and awesome new place to host my anime/vid game/ misc wallpapers.  They suck and I hate sharing them. 

May. 27th, 2008



I'm not back from Atlanta and I have tons of time to catch up.  I don't have a gazillion things I want to journal about.

I am so glad they don't have reliable voice technology where you could just talk to it and make it type for you.  I would hate to do that while running around campus taking care of things.  Who multi-tasks?

OH and I didn't bring my neice and nephew home with me - so I won't be busy at home either.

And my icon is a lie!

May. 25th, 2008


The LJ "elections"

My sockpuppets are all voting for Jameth.

May. 23rd, 2008


I'm not headed to Atlanta AGAIN!

I won't check the group when I find time.



I am so happy to be sitting here at work drinking my Grande Chai Latte. The lineup wasn't out the door for the first time ever and I was first in line. Then, a cute guy behind me thought he would pay it forward and bought me my coffee. It was a nice morning all around. I'm so glad I don't have to drink the piss water they call coffee at work today. Woot! Go team Candypants!


The Trip

Like I'm really, really dreading this trip to Atlanta I'm having to take.  First of all, I don't know why I'm even bothering going because my God daughter isn't graduating.  For whatever reason, her family has decided that we will celebrate anyway.  What kind of sense does that make?  Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love driving in Atlanta, but I'm dreading the trip because it's absolutely meaningless.  I expect that Denise & Darlene will get along magnificently, as they always do, but then the rest of us will be miserable!  What a waste of a perfectly good weekend!  Gah!  >.<

May. 22nd, 2008


Ugliest Eyes - don't vote for me, please!

(Truth: Okay, so I entered another contest. I'm feeling competitive! Vote 10 for me please. =P)


My dream last night was not disturbing in the least. 

I hope to explain it to you all.  I really wanna talk about it.  

May. 21st, 2008


Well, I didn't say goodbye to most of my friends. I didn't get one last piggyback ride from Dylan, which meant absolutely nothing to me. I didn't pass all my classes, so I won't graduate on time. Oh, and my ex-boyfriend didn't try to kiss me. That didn't make me a little sad.

I'm not tired. I don't want to go rest.


Darn it all!

I not so tried that I can't do anything. I didn't fall asleep with my writing notebooks all around me trying to get some new ideas going. I didn't have dream about Doctor who since I fall asleep watching Doctor Who! Damn those Ood for being just so boring that i can't find the energy to flip to another page! Damn David Tennant for his total lack of acting skills! I am not part of a David Tennant comm on LJ! No way no how!


I didn't write an essay about Vader versus Voldemort

I hope you don't read it. 

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