August 2008

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May 21st, 2008

[info]shockadelica in [info]tell_me_lies

I didn't write an essay about Vader versus Voldemort

I hope you don't read it. 

[info]catness in [info]tell_me_lies

no time for fun

Since I'm a committed workaholic, it would never occur to me to join another online game upon seeing it so viciously bashed by my LJ-friend. Therefore, creating an account and lurking around in no way can be counted as "playing", because it's strictly a)for research purposes and b)for practicing the language. (On the other hand, why would I ever think of practicing my German, I'm quite fluent!)

I won't mention the name of the game, but one thing I can say: it's not Renaissance Kingdoms.

[info]samson1986 in [info]tell_me_lies

Darn it all!

I not so tried that I can't do anything. I didn't fall asleep with my writing notebooks all around me trying to get some new ideas going. I didn't have dream about Doctor who since I fall asleep watching Doctor Who! Damn those Ood for being just so boring that i can't find the energy to flip to another page! Damn David Tennant for his total lack of acting skills! I am not part of a David Tennant comm on LJ! No way no how!

[info]lana_chan123 in [info]tell_me_lies

Well, I didn't say goodbye to most of my friends. I didn't get one last piggyback ride from Dylan, which meant absolutely nothing to me. I didn't pass all my classes, so I won't graduate on time. Oh, and my ex-boyfriend didn't try to kiss me. That didn't make me a little sad.

I'm not tired. I don't want to go rest.