Nov. 22nd, 2008


Hey peeps, Heather here. Work is getting a but heavy and I have to cut back on a couple of games, so I am dropping all of my characters. I don't recall having any open threads.

The Joker
Emma Frost
Harry Potter
Lord Voldemort

Sorry guys. When work cools down I might pick up some characters at a later date.



I'm sorry to say that I have to bow out of this game for now. I have a job that takes up a lot of my time now and I wasn't around much to begin with. It's not really fair for me to just keep these characters and never play them, so I'm gonna go, but I wish you all the best of luck. You have a really great game and maybe someday I'll be able to come back.


Nov. 21st, 2008


Hey guys,

You may have noticed the high turnover rate in our cast list lately which is why I've gone ahead and reposted an updated version of the list. If there are any discrepancies please let us know. Also, if anyone is looking to drop or add a character? Please let the moderators know.

On another note, Sars- part of our modly trio has decided to leave the game due to school and work responsibilities. We wish her the best of luck with school and life and would like to thank her for all the hard work she put into this game. You will be missed!

Look forward to some exciting plot stuff coming up that Tobi and I are cooking up, and if anyone else has a game wide plot idea, feel free to suggest it to the moderators.

Keep up the awesome writing, guys!


Jenna & Tobi


The updated cast list

Harry Potter
Ron Weasley - [info]loyalbestmate

Bella Swan - [info]adangermagnet
Bella Cullen - [info]shieldsothers


Lost Boys
Edgar Frog - [info]edgarfrog

Angel: the Series/Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
Buffy Summers - [info]littlebufferin
Xander Harris - [info]puffyxander
Faith Lehane - [info]rogue_slayer
Angelus - [info]skilledtorment
Faith Lehane - [info]wickedways
Fred Burkle - [info]tasergirl
Angel - [info]vampwithsoul

Seeley Booth - [info]sniperbooth

Dark Angel:
Alec - [info]transgenic
Alec - [info]monty_cora

Grey's Anatomy:
Izzie Stevens - [info]heart_sobig

Peter Petrelli - [info]borrowedpower

The OC:
Ryan Atwood - [info]expressionboy
Marissa Cooper - [info]shesatragedy
Ryan Atwood - [info]ilikejourney

Point Pleasant:
Christina Nickson - [info]bringyoutrouble

Sam Winchester - [info]chosenforevil
Dean Winchester - [info]donttouchthecar
Ruby - [info]fallenangel
Dean Winchester - [info]rocksaltbadass
Sam Winchester- [info]dontlikeclowns

Veronica Mars:
Eli "Weevil" Navarro - [info]weeviled

Original Characters:
SATAN - [info]fuckingevil
JOSHUA - Point Pleasant - [info]banishedboy
Lucy Silverlake - BtVS - [info]always_there
Emily Sorenson - Supernatural - [info]live_alie
Lexi Osborn - Spiderman - [info]losemyway
Britney Boyd - Point Pleasant - [info]missbhaven
Nicole Pierce - Spiderman - [info]icantsaveme
Tyler Osborn - Spiderman - [info]notaprophecy
Alyx Donovan - Angel - [info]electric_bitch
Serena Samuels - BtVS - [info]dark_wings
Bill - Point Pleasant - [info]misterbhaven

Nov. 8th, 2008


Hey everyone, its Jay with the latest drop/adds for me.

Obviously, this is Hiro, who isn't really sure when he's from but he does know he doesn't like Sylar.

And I'm going to be dropping:

Dr. Cuddy - [info]cuddyshark
Agent Smith - [info]agentsmith
Riddick - [info]darkfury
Jenks - [info]tinks_testicles

Oct. 18th, 2008


Hello everyone! I'm Kris and I'm bringing in Peter Petrelli from Season 3 of Heroes, post Angels and Monsters 3x05. I look forward to playing with all of you.

Oct. 14th, 2008


Okay, so I guess I should probably do this up, huh? So as some of you already know, I've got a new job, and it's a good one, but there are five weeks of training classes and two weeks of transition before I actually start work on my own. He training classes start on Monday at 7 AM. They're Monday-Friday from 7 AM to 3:30 PM, which basically…from 6:30 AM to about 4 PM, I am not going to be around much. I do get breaks, and I get a lunch, so I can check stuff from my phone, and maybe the computer if that's allowed. Oh and it's paid training too, yay!

Anyway, the reason I'm writing this is now that I have a fulltime job, I won't be around as often. I'm not taking a hiatus or anything, but I just want people to be aware I'll probably be a bit scarce at least until I get settled into this job.

This effects: Claire Bennet, Elle Bishop, and Veronica Mars

Crossposted to all my games.

Also, side note, I'm restarting Elle and Claire from current stuff and I will put spoiler warnings, don't worry.

Oct. 2nd, 2008


Hey everybody,

Log in and check here.


Aug. 24th, 2008


Greetings and salutations

Thanks (I guess... *L*) to the friends who pointed me in the direction of this comm and to the mods for letting me have some fun here.

This fella here is Michael Westen, former CIA agent and current freelance people-helper, from the TV series Burn Notice. His userinfo has a few things about him, and he's dropping into the game some time before the finale of the first season.

Accompanying him into the game is my version of Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Angel's resident ex-Watcher. More on his userinfo, too. Wesley is taken from season 4, prior to the episode "Rain of Fire", meaning he's in his dark!Wesley phase.

Ideas and stuff, you can pretty easily reach me at dark_wesley -at- dreadmachine -dot- com or on AIM at MrRubyQuartz.



First off, let me say thank you to the players in this game for being enablers. *L* And secondly, thank you to the mods for letting me join. :)

This here is Edward Cullen from the "Twilight" series of novels. He comes here via another community where he had met Lauren Santini, but his timeline was actually pre-Bella. (Basically, think that he's been living in Forks, Washington but Bella hasn't moved there yet). For those not in the know, Edward is a "good" vampire. (His bio can be found on his userinfo).

I've also got Illyria from "Angel", pretty much after the episode "Time Bomb", so her powers have been diminished. Her journal is [info]not_the_shell, and I think everyone here knows who she is? *L* If not, then brief bio -- ancient being, god-king, blue, took over Fred Burkle's body and retained her memories, can switch into her form at will. I don't have plans yet for her, although it would be interesting for her to talk to Fred!

If people have ideas for plotty-stuff, my email is My AIM is also "Just Some Frost", although sometimes I can be on a hidey one. ;) I'm Jo, by the way! Looking forward to this!

Aug. 15th, 2008


I've decided to make a Dark City Radio comm. [info]tdc_radio. It will be where you can post lyrics to songs that your characters are into, soundtracks, requests/dedications for the djs, etc. You can reply to one another and I think it'll just be fun.

I'm really liking how everything is going so far. I hope you all are having as much fun as I am!

Aug. 14th, 2008


Hey all. My name is Jerry. Some of you may know me, probably fro UtR or No Escape. I'm 21, live in Delaware, want to write comics and novels, and would desperately like to win the lottery so I can quit my crappy retail job. I'm a huge vampire fan, have been since I read a Dracula picture book that I found in the library of my elementary school. It was based on the classic movie, and the concept of vampires captivated me...which probably says something humorous about my elementary school mind. I've moved up into being a fan of all horror, but vampires are still, and always will be, my favorite monsters. Zombies have taken the second spot, so says my George Romero collection. XD

So, I'm bringing in Edgar Frog, from the Lost Boys series. I think I'm one of the few that actually enjoyed The Tribe (I'll admit it's a terrible, terrible film but it's so terrible it somehow goes back around to being good) so I'll be bringing ol' Eddie in from just after it. Three days after this actually. Don't worry, there's no spoilers, it's just a little credit-clip that was probably made mostly for fanservice. For those that don't want to watch it, Edgar is sitting on a picnic table with his gear, aware that there's a vampire out there. A very specific vampire, who he calls out. Sam, aka Corey Haim's character from the first movie, shows up. They have a very brief back and forth, consisting pretty much of Edgar threatening him and him threatening Edgar, and then the two of them lunge at each other. I'm going to say that Edgar staked Sam, and then three days later he died in, ironically, a car accident. I am adding a little bit to their confrontation, where Sam gloats about Alan Frog (who is now a master vampire) coming to Luna Bay. This was mentioned in both the alternate endings, and while I liked the first ending, I really felt that information should've been included.

Edgar is often considered comic relief. While this is definitely going to be there in my portrayal, I also felt that for a guy who's been doing this more or less all his life, he's probably more badass than we get to see, considering he's not the main character. So my Edgar is going to be a weird blend of comic relief garlic-holy water-raw egg drinking Edgar and badass vampire hunter Edgar. Who will be extremely pissed off at losing all his gear. XD

Just for a little quick information on Edgar: He's a minister (apparently he got ordained online) so he is capable of blessing things. He hasn't figured out yet that he should be blessing every piece of gear he has, though he might at some point. He also shaped surfboards, and I'm going to say that he still owned the comic shop from the first one, although it's changed locations to Luna Bay. Not that it matters now, lol. In the Reign of Frogs comics, which covers the gap between the first movie and the second, it is revealed that Edgar and Alan briefly worked in D.C., hunting vampires for the president (yeah, I know, but go with me on this one) and then made a return to their home in Santa Carla. There they ran into David, Kiefer Sutherland's vampire character from the first one, who is running with a new gang of vamps. They are easily overpowered, but Sam shows up with his dog to help them out. They go to Sam's house and discover that Grandpa is now a half vampire, and has been feeding on animals to stay that way. Edgar is ready to handle his business, but Sam stops him. Grandpa leads them to the house of the widow Johnson (mentioned several times in the first movie) who is the one who turned him. The gang is attacked by a bunch of female vampires, and during the fight, Alan claims that one of the vampires fed him her blood, and that he enjoyed it... And that's where wiki ends the summary of the comics, so I'm going to say that Alan went over to the dark side, Edgar flipped out and staked Grandpa, Sam flipped out and abandoned Edgar, and Alan went off to do his vampire thing. I'm thinking Alan probably turned Sam, either that or David turned him to sort of give Michael (his older brother, and main character of the first movie) a big ol' fuck you. This is why Edgar is working alone and in Luna Bay, rather than Santa Carla. Without help from his buddies, David and his crew were easily able to force Edgar out. ...Okay, so that wasn't quick, but y'know. XD

You can get in touch with me at or hit me up on AIM at SamRey56, and I'm always up for plotting, threading, etc.

Aug. 13th, 2008



Hey all,

Could you please post in comments who you play and what verse/season/background they come from? We could all do the intro post thing but I think if we had all of the info in one place it would be better.


Aug. 11th, 2008



Please leave a comment here if you are having tag issues. I'm not sure what's up with the tags but I've been having to put them all in with the mod journal. I think that after we all have one than it should be fine.

Until then, please keep putting them in anyway. Thanks!

Oh, and if you are a double character look at the cast list. If you are the first double on the list than you will be 1, if you are the second you will be 2. Okay? k.

Aug. 10th, 2008


Hello everyone,

On the behalf of the other two mods I would like to welcome you to our game! We are all very excited to have you here playing with us!

With that said, feel free to start tomorrow, 8-11.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!


Aug. 9th, 2008


Holds List

We do not have a "holds list" for PBs or characters. In The Dark City, characters are on a first come, first serve basis. If you want a character and procrastinate and someone else applies before you? Too bad.

This is also the reason why we allow two of every cannon character. If the character you had your heart set on playing is taken by two people? Wait around or apply to be your second favorite character.




To apply for a character for the first time you must email the mods at with the following information:

OOC info:
Name/What you would like to be called:
E-mail address:
aim/messenger sn:
Your preferred style of rp: For example, "I like to rp in threads versus aim. I like to write logs in the third person." Just a little something to let us know how you like to play.

Character info:
Character's name:
What fandom:
Characters age:
Journal name:
Two writing samples (1 first person sample, 1 third person sample):

Once you have played with us actively for one month you may forgo the ooc info and writing samples when applying for a character. Mods reserve the right to approve or deny anyone for any reason.