July 26th, 2009

[info]dontshootme in [info]tall_tales

Heeeey! :D This is Sara with yet another character. I have issues.

Please welcome Jinju Hojo! She's based in New York but she travels all over (via teleportation!). She's a 20-year-old, birthday party planner & thrower, sometimes clown, ADHD crazy girl. Formerly Hermes, the winged-footed messenger to the Gods. And she totally digs that Paul Shaffer played her in Disney's Hercules.

She also happens to be one Mr. [info]deadlike_me's sister, only they don't know that at present. Fun times!

Her profile's up on her journal. She would loooove friends, a boyfriend (Tara, we briefly discussed this... potentially Duncan?), people who dislike her that she can annoy, etc.


[Harrison, Iryna, Tonia, Mitch, Dalton, Cadence, Lucifer, Jacqui, Spencer, Glinda aaand Jinju]

That's totally the order in which I created my characters. Yeah, I'm that much of a nerd. XD