June 22nd, 2009

[info]bubbletransport in [info]tall_tales

just follow the yellow brick road...

This is Sara again with ANOTHER new charrie. Are ya sick of me yet?

Please meet Glinda Boyd, former Good Witch of the North and current assistant pastry chef at Miss Elisa Miller's pastry shop, Humble Pies. :] She is 31 years old, Scottish and single. She's also bisexual and kind of out of her mind. But that's always fun, right?

She also brings about pleasant things. Bubbles tend to appear around her, most often. And she can make snow fall gently on poppies. All that fun stuff.

She's in Boston and she needs friends, possible lovers, people to annoy, etc! Have at her!

[Harrison, Iryna, Tonia, Mitchell, Dalton, Cadence, Lucifer, Jacqueline, Spencer & Glinda]

I've never played so many characters in one game. Now I know why people do! It's addictive!