May 25th, 2009

[info]jacquimo in [info]tall_tales

It is I, Jacquimo! Swallow Extraordinaire!

:D This is Sara again! I can't stop being hit with characters.

This is Jacqueline Tommelise aka the Swallow from Hans Christian Andersen's Thumbelina. She is 41 years old, in Chicago, a writer who runs her own bookstore, and she lost her fiance to Iraq in 2004 so this weekend is not her favorite.

She needs supportive friends and even family would be nice. She could have siblings if anyone else is interested in being a Thumbelina charrie. ;D "Tommelise" is the original Dutch for "Thumbelina". Of course, any romance is also greatly appreciated!

[Harrison, Iryna, Tonia, Mitch, Dalton, Cadence, Lucky & Jacqui]

P.S. Ryan, I partially blame you for this. :P