May 7th, 2009

[info]wellbalanced in [info]tall_tales

Intros and RP and stuff..!

Hey guys!

Ryan's back from her vacation/hiatus! Bali was nice, but eventually I had to come back home, and why not combine two things and come back here as well? I don't come on my own tho - apart from Anton ([info]enchantedboy), I have two in-a way-new kids to introduce. I believe a bunch of you have met them both from earlier gametime, here and elsewhere, but a re-introduction never hurt anyone. ;)

This kid is Zev Ryder, [info]wellbalanced. He's the same old Zev (PBed by John Cusack) which means an okay guy of 29, living in Chicago and working as a marine analyst for the U.S. coast guard. He's a nice guy, might come across as scatterbrained but I think he just has a hidden nervous disposition. Or maybe he's just easily confused. He's the Steadfast Tin Soldier and I know some of the kids around here used to know him, and I'd love to take up old and new plot alike! His info is up, but not pretty with pictures yet. Still, it does what it's supposed to, so go check it out! SLs will arrive as they're made up.

The other kid (none of them are really kids, are they?) is Nathan Crane, [info]thetortoise. I hurriedly introduced him before my leave, but now his profile is correct (also lacking pictures tho) so I figured I'd just intro him again. He's a grumpy 38-year-old guy from London, living in Boston since long. He's a facts checker for the Boston herald and he always has something to complain about. I guess he's sorta like House, if you please. :P Only not medically skilled and with more issues to medicate for - poor guys got OCD and anxiety disorder. But he's nice... in a way? Also, I'm sorta restarting him, so he's semi-blind on one eye, slowly loosing sight on it more and more. (I suddely feel so mean...)

I'm definitely up for RP! In fact, I'm really keen on it right now. Being away for a month does that to you. So hit me up on AIM ChicagoForLovers or drop by Anton, Zev or Nathan