April 15th, 2009

[info]muteforlove in [info]tall_tales

part of this world

Heeeey! It's Sara yet again with yet another new character. :]

This is Cadence Anderson, better known as Ariel, The Little Mermaid. She is 23, lives in Boston, she's [info]kingtriton's youngest daughter, and she's a musical comedian. If she sings serious ballad-like songs, people fall in love with her. So she avoids seriousness like the plague unless she really likes someone and then she'll sing to him. But she thinks it's cheating in the whole Game of Love, so it's very, very rare.

Her profile's on her journal. She needs friends, annoyances, potential romance, etc. Please hit me up at posthumorously on AIM for plotz!

[Harrison, Iryna, Tonia, Mitchell, Dalton & Cadence]

P.S. If I seem a bit insane in the next few days (insaner than usual, that is), it's because I'm going to meet Harrison Tweed's PB, Bret McKenzie again this Saturday!!!!! So, yeah. Sorry if I act all high on you. :D