September 28th, 2008

[info]ex_geeksquad496 in [info]tall_tales

It's Droodle again with two new (old?) babies for you all!

First up is this guy, Jameson Peakes, who lives in Seattle. His reincarnation is the Lion from The Lion in Love and basically? When someone he loves asks something of him, he has no choice but to do as they say.

He's a huge nerd who spends his time playing World of Warcraft, Guitar Hero, and DDR. He's a big game buff. He works as a Geeksquad member for Best Buy, but what he really wants to do is direct. He always carries around his camera. You'll never find him without it. Over all, he's a huge geek who is completely awkward. Funtimes. I assure you.

Next is [info]ohmerlin. Charlotte Champagne, twenty-one, Boston. She's Merlin, if you couldn't tell by the journal name, and once she falls in love, she can't unlock anything without the assistance of others. Anywho, you know that kid in Preschool who knew that Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and Faeries were a lie, and went around telling every kid about it? That's Charlotte. She's strictly no-nonsense. She is a callous bitch and will say what she feels when she feels it right to your face. She couldn't care what others think about her and is quite content living in her own little 'I am holier than thou' world with her dog.

Plot would be loved for both! Their info is in their respective journals if you want a better idea of them. Throw what you have at me. I'd love to hear it!