September 23rd, 2008

[info]ex_gothedist653 in [info]tall_tales

SO UHM. Gabby has three new characters OMGWUT.

Anyway, we'll start with this kid. He's Peter Cromwell, eldest out of the Cromwell kids (AGE: 25), and he's in Chicago. Peter's... well, he's a bit of a troublemaker and rouser, but it's usually limited to provoking siblings and driving them insane. Outside of that? He's a JOCK, but he's the jock that kind of surprises you with the fact he's actually kind and incredibly intelligent -- at the moment, he's working on finishing up his medical residency. He's a bit on the quiet side of things a lot of the time, but he's quick to warm up to people and be painfully friendly and fun.

His tale? Hercules. His (dis)ability? He CAN'T just be 'good' or 'bad'. Anytime he does something on either side, he has to do something opposite to balance it out. IT'S FUNTIMES.

Okay. Then we have Alana Hale ([info]kissedafrog) who's 22 and living in NO. And... ._. there are no words for her, really. Basically? She went YEARS (and I do mean YEARS) of her life not even knowing what sex is/was because her parents refused to let her grow up too much. It's kind of sad how clueless she was for most of her life. Being the product of two incredibly religious parents? Not. Fun. NOW she does know what it is... at least the mechanics, anyway. But the emotions and feelings behind it? Nope. THAT she still doesn't get at all.

She's the princess from The Frog Prince and her ability is that if she were to kiss someone, anyone, she'd be able to tell exactly what their real personality was/is like.

AND FINALLY. [info]clickyourheels! Sophie Isaacs, 25, Seattle. She works for Lindsey Parker so anyone who knows him DEFINITELY knows her. She's a geek. Really. She's all kinds of awkward and shy and not REALLY confident. She does make a good assistant because she's almost ridiculously obedient and actually takes BETTER to following orders than she does doing things on her own. She's a PAINFULLY sweet and kind-hearted sort of girl and does anything and everything in her power to please people and make others happy. Once you get past the whole shyness and wanting to avoid attention thing? Yeah, she's kind of cute and adorable and o.o all. of. the. time.

She's Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz and her ability is that if she wants to go 'home' (home being whatever she's calling home at the moment), she'll ALWAYS find a way to be there.

SO UHM. PLOT AWAY AND STUFF, YEAH? Most of them need just about everything (except for Peter's family, unless someone wants to app his drunk, verbally abusive, and promiscuous grandmother) because YAY APPING CHARACTERS ON A WHIM.

[info]wheelchair in [info]tall_tales

Woo~ Hello, everybody. Some of you may remember me, and some of you may not. For those of you that don't, I'm Droodle/Cortney, and I am HAPPY TO BE HERE. RIGHT.

This is Ruby. She lives in Chicago, though is constantly traveling so location shouldn't be an issue. Her riencarnation is the Wicked Witch of the East, so all ya'll Ozians best hit me up!

Anyway, Ruby is a callous bitch who wants nothing more than to see the world burn at her fingertips. She's incredibly selfish, vain, and arrogant, but hell to anyone who thinks otherwise! To your face, she'll be the sweetest thing in the world. She's incredibly two-faced and gets her kicks out of manipulating people, and then dropping them like a tissue once she's done with them.

As an added note, Ruby's permanently stuck in a wheelchair. An incident with a small Scottish Terrier when she was younger rendered her legs useless. She used the 'pity me, I'm handicapped' card as much as she can. Fer sheeze.

NOW WHO WANTS PLOT? I'm available at et tu cortney on aim, and am normally always up for plotting/talking/whatever!

[info]mustlove in [info]tall_tales

OH LOOK. I'm not totally late.

I have two characters this week and another coming next to complete the Cromwell fam.

The first is here. Elizabeth Bastian. Yep. She is the youngest of the Bastian clan and... the sweetest thing ever but unfortunately is one of the sane ones at LPA. Wish her good luck, yes? OH and she's Aphrodite and can make any two people fall in love for an hour. SUCK ON THAT. You're all just lucky she's a nice person. But oh, she can't always control it. ;D I decided to be mean to you all. HA HA.

Second is Tamika [info]whiteface She is Snow White and can only be woken by a kiss! Lame, huh? And she is on the SA tour cast playing Anna. Er, she's slightly more sane than that lot but still loopy. She was adopted so any plot in there would be awesome.

... This is why I hate doing into posts. ._. I should go sleep now and may edit this post tomorrow if I can think of anything I'd really like for them. Lizzie has family but is open for anything else. Tam has nothing besides her SA buddies so plot, pretty please?