August 18th, 2008

[info]incinders in [info]tall_tales

Lindsay has a new one. This is why I shouldn't be allowed to drop people. Heh.

Anyway, this is Kimberly Thompson. She's Amelia's ([info]octavio) mommy, thus making her Richard Thompson's ([info]slipsintodreams) older sister. She's also Richard Anderson's ([info]kingtriton) head of housekeeping at his club. She likes Richards, apparently. :D

Her tale is Cinderella, so I had to make her clean stuff. Her disability is that when she sneezes, she sneezes ash. Not a ton, but enough that people who know about it tease her. She tries to keep it under wraps. I mean, who shows people what comes out of their nose when they sneeze anyway? Haha! Anyway, she's a real sweetheart, very motherly and protective, and some people tend to think she's a pushover when they first meet her. But soon enough, they might see the feisty side to her. She's got a huge imagination, and... yeah. I'm tired and rambling.

Her PB is the gorgeous Jennifer Connelly, and... there needs to be more people her age in game! Oh! She's 34, and lives in Boston, obviously. Soo... yes!

I'm going to head to sleep now, but plot is love, people!

♥ Lindsay

[info]beastwithinman in [info]tall_tales

Hey everyone! In case you don't remember me, I'm Ashley (or Smash, as some of you know me)... I played here for a while, and then real life got in the way... but I'm back! And I'm really excited to start playing again. :D So I figured I'd run through my chars and see about getting some plot going!

So, first off there's Darin DeLouise ([info]beastwithinman), who is the only one of my chars whose changed a bit. He's now PBed by Chad Michael Murray (his original PB when I created him, so excited!). His Tale is now The Beast, from BatB, and his (dis)ability is that he can't turn people away at his door. This can be very frustrating for him when, say, religious groups come knocking to try and preach. ;) The only other thing different is that he now has a twin brother in his backstory, as well as his little sister...
Darin is stubborn, flirtatious, and sees the world completely in black & white. He has something of a hero complex on occassion. He's super loyal to his friends, but he can hold a grudge with the best of them, and he can be a real judgemental ass, too. He actually dreams of a happily ever after, but not very many people know about that. He's 23, lives in Seattle, and is a cop. And he would LOVE some plot. :D

I also have Silas Denton ([info]lightningstrike, whose Tale is Zeus. His ability is that he can sometimes control lightning to a small extent when there's a storm going on... he doesn't use this much, if at all, though, because if he does the lightning seems to become attracted to him.
Silas lives in Chicago, just graduated from LPA (barely). He's not going to college or anything like that. Silas is... well, pretty much an ass. He loves riling people up and getting into fights. Oh, and sex. He really loves sex. He will lie and manipulate his way into bed with a girl, and then leave her and never think twice about her again.
He does care about the friends he has, but you probably shouldn't expect undying loyalty from him, either. Mostly he hates people, or tries to get into bed with them.

AND last but not least I have Bailey Tancer ([info]march__hare) who is, as her username suggests, the March Hare from Alice in Wonderland. Bailey is CRAZY. She has no sense of reality, at all. In fact, that's her disability -- she can't hold on to reality. She's ADD to the extreme, and is likely to forget that she ever met you. She's 20, lives in Chicago, but... honestly, would be the type of person to hitchhike her way across the country. She's crazy and spunky and only really cares about having a good time.

SO! Sorry I babbled a bit, but I'd really love anything for any of them. My aim is brave x crazy if you want to hit me up, or just leave a comment here. XD