August 4th, 2008

[info]dreamchild in [info]tall_tales

Hay, TaT... Lena is back. :D I've been trying to sneak in a few journal things over the past several days, but I wanted to officially announce my return from hiatus. I did break my toe last week, which kind of hurts like a bitch, so forgive me if I'm slow, but I'm ready to jump into play.

I have a few changes, too!

Cynthia ([info]dreamchild) has a new PB (Sarah Michelle Gellar) and she's living in Seattle now. Hope ([info]poeticmuse) will be moving to NYC for her senior year.

A lot of my kids are in need of plot - love interests, friends, enemies, etc. etc., so take a look at my plot list and hit me up if you have anyone who could fill something. You can drop me a comment her or catch me on AIM at macgirl50

♥ Lena