August 1st, 2008

[info]strawintogold in [info]tall_tales

In true Mseh style I come late with introing my new character. :\ Sorry about that. I'm an epic failure?


This is Katherine O'Connell. Yes, she is the sister of Cameron. No, she doesn't take responsibility for him, ty. (Well.. she doesn't want to...) She's got an absolutely insane family but likes to think she is completely sane and normal. She can pull it off ... until someone cracks her. Then I suggest standing back and counting to ten or something, IDK. Depends how badly you got her.

She tends to get dragged into the crazy plans and in trouble whether she likes it or not and sometimes even when she wasn't a part of the plan. So feel free to get her into trouble because it's going to happen anyway. ._.

She actually has the same ability as one of Morgan’s new characters o.o (Pst, darling. I'm totally cool with coming up with something else if you want ♥) which is the whole she has to obey any direct order given to her. Direct being the main word there. Except I planned for hers to wear off each day, which I don't think Morgan did so yeah! This basically adds to her getting into trouble unless someone helps her out at the beginning of the day.

... Yeah, I suck at these intros. Plot, my pretties? Her first journal entry is up so feel free to throw anyone at her.

♥ Mseh