July 20th, 2008

[info]canthidebeauty in [info]tall_tales

Hey, y'all.. just a heads up that I am back from my real vacation, BUT, I am leaving Tuesday to pick up Crystal and then she'll be staying with me for a week, so, while I'll probably be able to squeeze in a reply or update here or there, I really won't be back for about another week or so. I would say call me officially back on August 1st.

Feel free to attack me on AIM if you see me on, though. Also, allow me to shamelessly pimp my CDJ: [info]dejavroom. If you have one, you should totally friend me. :D

In the meantime.. I did do a lot of drops over my hiatus and I have a list of who I have left along with what plot they have/have open. If I'm missing anything or if you have any new plot to offer any of my remaining 17 characters? Please to be letting me know.

♥ Lena