July 11th, 2008

[info]letdownyourhair in [info]tall_tales


Amber here with her kiddos and announcing that she is fully back from her move. I'm still in the process of unpacking though (Picture me stabbing a ton of boxes with frustration!) so I might have random times of disappearance while on AIM and whatnot. Let me know what I missed or if you want to thread or do journal things with any of my kids, I'm going to go through when I wake up and tag it all up as well as update a handful of their journals.

Also, adds will be done on Sunday...probably later in the day since my 21st bday is Sat. and I'm being taken out to celebrate at some point. xD

~ Amber//[info]letdownyourhair, [info]never_fits, [info]onlythingleft, [info]runawaydish, [info]silent_dwarf, [info]snarfblat, [info]stolen_harp, [info]frontierqueen, [info]ima_little_tpot, [info]shops_foryou, [info]_primaballerina, [info]givealilwhistle, [info]edibleandrew, [info]come_on_down, [info]protectivetwin, [info]jaded_no_more, [info]reflecting_you, [info]bloodhoundbruno, [info]kingtriton and [info]builtwithbricks

[info]ex_inmynatur740 in [info]tall_tales

So, randomly, my internet is being really weird. I don't know why, but it keeps cutting in and out. I was actually in the middle of typing this when it cut out again. :/ I wanted to tell y'all in case I was in the middle of talking to you via AIM or doing journal things. I'm not avoiding you! My internet just hates me, so bear with me.

♥ Lindsay

[info]not_so_sleepy in [info]tall_tales

Guuuuuuuess what!

That's right.