June 30th, 2008

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tall_tales


Alrighty! So this is me posting a semi hiatus! My family and I are starting the process of moving so I"ll be intermittently packing this week (oh joys of joys). The goal is to be moving this weekend, and if we do get all packed by then i probably won't have any internet for a day or two (hopefully just a day or two because seriously...I'm addicted >.< ), but I'll hopefully be able to let you know when my internet is gone completely, if not through me then through Linds or Dan.

If you see me online feel free to still poke me, just know that I might not actually be there for a bit, but I will desperately be hoping and wanting something to do between the mindless filling of boxes and cleaning. I'll still be posting my little heart out until the net is taken away and put in at the other place though, trust me!

~Amber (Anna, Brooklyn, Alyssa, Jared, Jeff, Trevor, Guy, Robbie, Tessa, Brendan, Shawn, Shelly, Rylee, Ty, Mal, Jade, Richard, Andrew, Denim, and Ally)

[info]stolen_harp in [info]tall_tales


Is anyone willing to pick up Doug [info]dontcrywolf for Brooklyn [info]_primaballerina? They just got married on the 11th and I'd really hate to have to drop her. She's a great character. Please let me know if you are. *begs*

~ Amber