June 12th, 2008

[info]queencirce in [info]tall_tales


Mseh is having a slight... issue again. I want to play but my brain is all 'screw you' so I am asking for some help. :|

I'd love to thread some people. I'm up for anyone who knows each other and anyone who doesn't (seriously. that can be just as much fun and it's been a very long time since I've done that). I really don't mind! I just need to do something. O.O I'm trying to get the feel back for my characters because I'm in one of my lame moods where they're all blending into each other and I get very frustrated. Lol. Yes, I am a weirdo and rambling about things that probably don't make sense but hey.

ALSO seems I fail at threads a lot, updates and comment threads are just as fantastic and a lot easier to do with my short attention span right now. :| My AIM is msfantasyfan as most of you know so if you ever want to talk about something let me know! ^^

Listing my characters would probably help, huh? I stole this from Linds!