May 25th, 2008

[info]canthidebeauty in [info]tall_tales

Spamming with a couple of totally not related to RP things and... stuff that IS about TaT. :DDD

SO.. store opening was yesterday. Lena is a little bit exhausted from working for close to 12 hours during the opening. Eeeee! I'll be getting on replies in just a moment! <3!

AND! I have a little picspam of my new laptop up in my personal journal(s). Technically, it's TaT related, because you can see a journal thing between Topher and Caity in two of the screenshots. ;) PS If you have a personal IJ, feel free to friend [info]lena. It's mostly icons and fandom talk, but I'm working on updating it more often.

Also? Dari has a new layout. It is pretty. :D


And, finally, I didn't get much respond to my character intros last week, so I am, once again, going to beg y'all for plot. It's honestly been long enough that I don't rightly recall exactly who Cyn did and didn't have plot with from before, so feel free to remind me if we had things you'd like to keep - and new plot is always, always good! Because I really, really want plot for ALL my characters, though.. I'm gonna do a quick rundown of who I have!

[info]giantone, [info]elluna, [info]lookitme, [info]allana, [info]dreamchild, [info]ashootingstar, [info]mrspotts, [info]playitwell

[info]tinyangel, [info]undrownable, [info]happygoizzy, [info]eyesofachild, [info]goldenclimber

New Orleans
[info]seeitthrough, [info]canthidebeauty, [info]notasheep, [info]raisingchaos, [info]llencelyn

New York
[info]lioninlove, [info]justlivvy, [info]wingsofmercury, [info]dreamadream

LPA: [info]avianattraction, [info]perfectsnake,[info]jockfellow, [info]kansasnomore, [info]pamolly, [info]apollon
Others: [info]allthingsnice, [info]dontcrywolf, [info]dancinglyla, [info]godofwater, [info]ofwisdom

Sooooo... plot, please? :D I'm aroundish on AIM, so poke me there or leave me a comment. :D


[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tall_tales

TOP O THE MORNIN TO YA!...I have no idea where that came from...seriously. HAPPY ADDS DAY! I'm just here to share the typical information with you!

We have Four new characters in the game today! Two of which have been brought in my new players! Joey has brought in Flounder and Diana has brought in Nike so please welcome them to the game and give them lots of plot and options of which to play! Lena has brought in Saturday's Child and Erato so make sure to give her some plot love as well.

There is one character revamp! Lindsay has changed Brigette Porter from Little Bo Peep to Isolde, give her some love as well!

Friends Button of <333333

Birthdays this Week!
25 - Spencer Osborne - flightofancy
25 - Caleb Zale - peace4you
25 – Isabella Cullen – motherearth
30 – Brigette Porter - isoldeloves
31 - Scott Roberts - musicalmuse

[info]floundered in [info]tall_tales

Hello. :3 ..This place.. is so big. ._.;; Hi, though! I'm Joey, mun of Jude "Flounder" Finkleton with a pb of Justin Long. Guess a little bit about me.. hm.. I mostly play in the Marvel/DC comic world, but this game caught my attention, did a little surfing, and opted to create and join. Glad I did, because it looks like a great group of players having tons of fun, and that's what I'm looking for! I've been RPing for about 10 years, be it MMOs, Larps, Mudds, and with the invention of the internet, online RP. I play, aside from Marvel games, World of Warcraft, so if anyone out there does too, hit me up :D We must unite in the RP world too! Anywho, I think that's about it. Its really great meeting all of you! Hope to get some plots in soon!... Oh my! Didn't even post this and already got a welcome. ^^ You guys rock.

But now! Onto the real star of the show.. Flounder! If you care to read the application which has his history and whatnot, feel free. Its located here. But in short, and what matters, Jude is the youngest out of way too many siblings, but he never got to really meet any of them since he was separated by DCFS. He spent most of his pre-teen life in and out of foster care and orphanages, which sounds pretty stereotypical, but he wasn't abused or mistreated, or anything like that. In fact, he lead a pretty normal life, even after being adopted by two fathers. He just got back from a 'hey, i need to find myself' trip to parts of the world, but still hasn't found himself, but really, who has at that age? Which, if you must know, he's 21. Or 22.. I forgot what I put! ^^; So yes, he's back in Boston right now in a little apartment living a very humble life with 5 high-tech computers taking up the majority of the room in his studio. Oh, by the way, his ability is pretty cool, especially if your iphone breaks, or your computer's infested with viruses! He's a technopath, but on the outside, he simply is a giant computer geek.

Personality-wise, he is adorable. I mean, really, just look at those brown eyes, fuzzy brows, and that big smile! Although he tends to be cowardly, awkward, and a bit of a social goof, he's still bound to be anyone's friend. He isn't prone to parties, but if asked (or dragged) he'll attend, but more so, he'd go if he knew he was the designated driver for others. So if you feel that Jude's a friend for your toon, then by all means, comment here, comment by the app, comment somewhere, and we'll set up a storyline!

Once again, thanks for having me guys! I'm reachable here, but more conveniently through aim with my OoC as josh can heal. To reach Jude though, message him at Three Chord Jude.


p.s. I have finally gotten around to making an SL section. Feel free to sift through, post if you want in on one, or if you want to add something, or Jude to fill something! That is located here. Thanks!

[info]isoldeloves in [info]tall_tales

So, hey there.

No, Lindsay doesn't have a new charrie, but she does have one with a new tale AND a new face, and two others who have new faces.

Brigette, who you may remember as Bo Peep, is now Isolde, from Tristan and Isolde fame. She is also PB Emma Stone now. (Superbad, anyone?) Nothing's changed much other than that, just a change in her ability, and she's Irish now, and has the accent to prove it. She's still the same ol' Brig though.

Shannon Aldrige [info]littleshannon has a new face. Ben Barnes (Prince Caspian?). He's still Little John. :D

And last we have Charlotte Roberts [info]whitefire, who has been changed to Jewel Staite. She's still Snow-White-Fire-Red.

So yes! Have at it if you want plot with them. Brigette and Shannon are in Chicago, and Charlotte is.. everywhere until a couple weeks, when she makes it back to NY.

♥ Lindsay

[info]poeticmuse in [info]tall_tales

Happy adds day, Tell A Tale!! :D Lena comes bearing two more characters. Is there a 12 step program?

This is Hope Roberts who is Scotty Robert's baby sister. She's 17 and she's in Seattle. She's your typical bubbly little cheerleader... except that she's a little confused about her sexuality. Shes the muse of lyrical/love poetry and people who are in love get inspired to write sappy verse that is actually quite good when she's around. Anyway, its all in her app, which you can read here.

My other newling is Grace Melissa Foster. She's from NYC, originally, but she moved down to New Orleans for college and she hasn't left since. She's.. well.. crazy is a good word. Quirky. Neurotic. She's an artist who works for an ad agency and also freelances, sells designs to tattoo parlors, etc and she's 28 years old. Her Tale is Saturday's child and her (dis)ability is that she can't hold on to any money she didn't earn for more than 24 hours. Her journal is [info]have2work and you can find all her info here.

I've also got my full character/plot list updated over here, and I have a lot of things that need to be filled, so please take a look and hook me up with some plot!

[info]vickyvictorious in [info]tall_tales

Meet Victoria!

Hello there! I am a completely new player around these parts. My name is Diana. My character's name is Victoria. She is Nike, goddess of Victory! She is a reporter for "Rolling Stone" and super competitive at her job. She lives in New York. Victoria "accidentally" hurts a lot of people because she is very manipulative to get what she wants, but she doesn't mean for people to get hurt. She is closed off except for her few close friends and loves her flings.

She's awesome. Trust me.

I write better than this when I rp, I am just out of it right now.

Here is her character information and here is the storyline post. I am posting from her journal. My personal journal is [info]truthanderror if you need to contact me that way.