April 29th, 2008

[info]differentcolor in [info]tall_tales

So I have the urge to thread with a few people. If anyone wants to thread with any of them, tell me and we can work something out! I don't care who with, mean or nice, whatever. I'm trying not to fail at threads right now.

Autumn Harding | Horse of a Different Color [info]differentcolor - Currently in New York until May 2nd, and then I still have no idea where she's going after that. Her birthday is the 3rd, so I'm thinking either back to Chicago or New Orleans then.
Mackensie Womack | Hector of Troy [info]notadamsel - Chicago. If you pick her, she'll most likely be bitchy. I've never threaded with her before, so I kinda want to.
Tracey Fincannon | Tootles [info]lostmarbles - Seattle. Another one I've never threaded with.
Lacey Fox | Aesop's Fox [info]bewarethefox - Chicago. The thread'll most likely have her little girl in it should you want to thread with her.
Delaney Anderson | Princess Adella [info]princessadella - Boston. I recently just threaded with her for the first time, and now she's really demanding for me to give her more attention.
Scarlett Zale | The Scorpion [info]inmynature - New York City.

You can reach me in the normal spots.

♥ Lindsay