April 13th, 2008

[info]town_mouse in [info]tall_tales

Leaving TaT

It was how long since I went on official hiatus? Not very long, but it's felt like so. Anyhow, I'm coming back to announce something I never really thought I'd do, but now I am.

I am leaving TaT. Once again, not because of anything anyone's done/not done or anything silly like that. I just am. Because I want to. It feels a bit odd, since I've been in this since Grimm, along with a lot of you.

My kids, for reference (I'll get a mail away eventually, you know how it goes):
Silas Lang [info]littlecalf
Tory Heston-Crawford [info]screencat
Dhani Lang [info]pinkwolf
Zephyr Way [info]town_mouse
Drew Whitnall [info]daddybear
Dorian Grey [info]museic

I'll still be on AIM at WildeScaramouche, on LJ as [info]kittendew and I'll be playing two other IJ games, LifeSong for one. If you want private plot, or play for fun, poke me and ask. Chances are I'm not all that up for it, seeing how I'm dropping kids, but who knows, right? I had a lot of plot I loved, but in the end I feel I want to leave.

Still love you all, even if we might not talk much from now on. Great playing with you people, really is. :) And who knows, I might even come back at some point. This place is addictive, as we all know..!

Much love, take care