April 2nd, 2008

[info]canthidebeauty in [info]tall_tales

Here's a kind of different kind of plot-begging post from me - This one is broken into types of SL's and who needs what. I also have a list of characters that are in desperate need of pretty much everything.

Needing Love Interest(s): list! )

Needing Exes: list! )

Needing Best Friends: list! )

Needing Other friends/Acquaintances: list! )

Needing Disliked/Enemies: list! )

Needing Family: list! )
*I'll probably be putting in a comment for the wanted list for these, but they're listed here anyway.

And the following are in desperate need of all kinds of plot! I don't want to drop any of them, but it's silly to keep characters around who aren't getting plotted or played with, so let me know if you've got anyone you can offer any of them, please. :)

Alicia Fuller/[info]dreamchild - she only has her brother and her BFF at this point
Allie Anderson/[info]allana - she has her family and, like, one friend in-game right now
Charlie Douglass/[info]lookitme - he needs something to do other than pine after Lori
Jackson Wells/[info]notasheep - he has a BFF and a cousin.. and that's about it
Joshua Sanford/[info]lioninlove - he has a love interest and that's pretty much it
Teegan Hays/[info]pamolly - she has a BFF and.. not much else
Aletheia Carter/[info]littlealetheia - she has her cousin and almost no other plot so far
Walker Stratton/[info]justicescales - he has, like, 3 acquaintances through work and that's it

[info]clockstruckone in [info]tall_tales

Hey folks,

dropping Elliot [info]hunterdown and Gracie [info]clockstruckone for now. Might trim some more, depending on how I feel with them. Gracie's being moved to a different game, so if anyone she's plotted with/traded journal comments with wants to keep her as a friend, I'm open to having personal SLs as an aside to the games. Just let me know :)
