March 27th, 2008

[info]audreyrose_ in [info]tall_tales

Just to let you all know...

Hey -

I just wanted to let you guys know that my computer is in fact down as of now. We had a hacking problem and had to change the system and the laptop i've been using refuses to recognize it. So until that problem is fixed I'm going to be very limited online because honestly i've never been one to kick other people off other computers, and i've become firmly planted on the couch- which requires a laptop. It sucks i know but hopefully the problem will be fixed asap.

I had to share my enthusiasm with all of you because I know that at least some of you will appreciate it!
So as of right now I am exactly 13 weeks and 4 days pregnant due on September 28th! And! I totally got to hear the babies heartbeat and it was the most amazing thing in the entire world!

There. I'm done spazzing.

Love you all.

[info]letdownyourhair in [info]tall_tales

I've decided to start iconing again and made a community for it [info]cakes_icons. Please friend it! I know its a little bare but I literally just made it tonight and transfered the few posts I got up on GJ before it went to pot. Feel free to request icons to be made if you like my work. If you're an icon maker yourself comment/pm/email me if you'd like to share your work in the community! The more the merrier!

♥ Amber