March 21st, 2008

[info]queencirce in [info]tall_tales

Okay so semi-haitus note. Seems it's Easter we usually see our cousins for a whole week. This year that isn't happening but they're still coming down for the long weekend. SO if they decide to stay with us today I won't be online. SIGH. But it’s good because one of my cousins is like BFF. SO YAY!

It'll be from whatever time today to sometime Monday my time. :D

LOVE TO YOU ALL! And Happy Easter. Early Easter, that is lol


[info]clawsthatcatch in [info]tall_tales

Hi guys, I'm afraid I'm gonna be pulling out of the game. It's for a number of reasons. But anyways, if anyone needs me, my normal IJ is [info]satan and I'm on LJ too under schizophrenic.

It was nice playing with you all :)

- Jewels/Satan
player of: Adelaide, Genesis, Natasha, Harley and Leigh